Recently added Tips & Advice

WORKING TIME - 15.07.2024

Can you ask staff to work a 6-day week?

In a bid to boost productivity and economic growth, Greece has introduced a six-day working week for some businesses. Can you require your employees to work a six-day week?
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EXPENSES - 08.07.2024

Benchmark subsistence rates - are they worth it?

As an employer you don’t want to waste valuable time on avoidable admin tasks such as processing scores of expenses claims for employees’ subsistence claims. Might benchmark rates be a viable alternative?
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HMRC unable to solve Class 2 NI problem

Class 2 refunds. HMRC has issued a warning for anyone who paid voluntary Class 2 NI contributions through their 2022/23 self-assessment and has subsequently received a refund or credit from HMRC. This may have happened if you submitted your 2022/23 tax return before 31 January 2024. You would have paid Class 2 voluntary contributions if your business profit for 2022/23 was less than the small profits threshold of £6,725, and you indicated you wanted to pay them in the self-employed pages of your tax return. ...
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SELF-ASSESSMENT - 08.07.2024

Self-assessment 2023/24 - what’s new?

If you’re a sole trader or in partnership you may need to show extra information when completing your 2023/24 tax return. What’s required and how might it affect your self-assessment payment due on 31 July?
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PAYE - 08.07.2024

Why your tax code is now more important than ever

The amount of tax you pay on your salary depends on your tax code. If it’s wrong you’ll pay too much or too little. For many this can be a temporary issue, for others it can be permanent. What’s the problem and what can you do about it?
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Help with childcare for working parents

As a working parent you probably struggle to balance the needs of your job with those of your children, especially during the long summer holiday. This also poses a problem for employers. How can government childcare schemes help?
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Most read Tips & Advice

TRAVEL - 30.04.2024

The latest on home-to-work travel

HMRC has changed its guidance on home-to-work travel costs where an employee’s home is their workplace. How might this affect your right to tax relief?
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Can employee take holiday during sick leave?

If an employee is absent from work on long-term sick leave, they continue to accrue at least statutory annual leave. With the 2024 summer holiday season now starting, can they apply to take some of their annual leave during their sickness absence?
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RECRUITMENT - 13.05.2024

Should you worry about white fonting?

The CV trick of “white fonting” has gone viral on social media platforms such as TikTok in recent months. What is it and is it something you need to watch out for during a recruitment exercise?
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