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2009 - May

EMPLOYEE STATUS - 27.05.2009

Employment contracts worthless

COMPANY CARS - 27.05.2009

New CO2 emissions rates

FINANCE - 27.05.2009

Are you banking on your mobile phone?

You’re tempted to join the million people already banking online with their mobile phones. Are there any risks and who picks up the tab if someone plunders your account fraudulently?

VAT - 27.05.2009

Beat the VAT rate increase

In a few months you’ll need to update your company’s systems in readiness for the return of 17.5% VAT. But is there something you can do to extend the 15% rate beyond January 1 and stay on the right side of your customers and the Taxman?

PERSONNEL - 27.05.2009

Fiddling the expenses system

There’s been uproar over the recent MPs’ expenses scandal, with many being accused of “milking the system” to supplement their salaries. What can you do to ensure your employees don’t abuse your company’s system in the same way?

COMPANY LAW - 27.05.2009

New law signals tougher line from Companies House

Recent changes in company law have resulted in press reports suggesting that directors are guilty of a criminal offence if they’re late sending accounts to Companies House. Are they right, and if so, what penalties could you face?

DEBT RECOVERY - 27.05.2009

Companies behaving badly to get ASBOs

In a bid to reduce the amount of debt owed by large companies to smaller ones the Federation of Small Businesses says it will be hitting late-payers with “Anti-Social Behaviour Orders”. So will this really solve the £26 billion problem?


When is paying tax a benefit?

You’ve borrowed some cash from your company as a stop-gap. But when the time comes to pay the money back finances are tight. How can you turn this tricky situation into a tax advantage?


First company manslaughter case

The first prosecution for corporate manslaughter is being brought against a company. But it’s not a major player that’s involved. Why should this worry you?


Q&A - do we need to PAT the radio?

COMPETENCE - 19.05.2009

CHAS compliant or accredited

A potential client has stated that you can work for them only if you’ve passed the CHAS health and safety assessment process. However, there are two levels: compliant and accredited - which one should you go for?

EVENTS - 19.05.2009

Public event goes tragically wrong

In 2006, members of the public were invited to walk through a large inflatable art work at a public event in County Durham. However, it went drastically wrong when a known control measure was overlooked. What’s to know?

POLICIES & RECORDS - 19.05.2009

Safe use of stepladders

Although many would have you believe that stepladders are banned, they’re not - you just have to use them safely. To help you do this, why not use our new sample stepladder checklist?

PPE - 19.05.2009

Sometimes, there are good reasons for PPE

An employee has been left permanently scarred when molten plastic sprayed onto his arms and face. How did the accident happen and what could have prevented it?


What’s in the water cooler?

A recent study has identified that a quarter of water dispensing systems tested failed to pass basic hygiene tests. So, what might be lurking in your water cooler and what do you need to do to avoid problems?

WORKPLACE - 19.05.2009

Managing the risks associated with trees

You have some mature trees in the grounds of your business premises. Do you need to maintain them, or would a falling branch be regarded as an “act of God”. What do a number of cases indicate?

ENFORCEMENT - 19.05.2009

More inspectors for construction

The HSE has announced that it will increase the number of construction industry inspectors by a third. When is this happening and how could it affect you?

VAT - 15.05.2009

Get it right first time

RETURNS - PENALTIES - 15.05.2009

Late returns - excuses, excuses!


Getting tough with the Taxman

We regularly hear from our subscribers about communication problems with the Taxman. So, whether you’re receiving incorrect demands or just want some information, how can you ensure you get a timely response from the Taxman?

IHT - PLANNING - 15.05.2009

Putting your pensions benefits in trust

Apart from your house, the most valuable asset in your estate is likely to be your pension fund. This will almost certainly include a death benefit to look after your family. But how can you stop the Taxman from getting his hands on it?

PROPERTY LOSSES - 15.05.2009

Tax relief for holiday home losses boosted then busted

As we’ve come to expect from recent budgets the Devil is in the detail. One such detail omitted from the Chancellor’s Budget speech is the demise of the beneficial tax rules for holiday homes. But there’s a parting gift for some; what is it?

TAX PAYMENTS - 15.05.2009

Misleading advice from HMRC

Among the Budget announcements that featured high on the Taxman’s website is one promising more help for businesses having problems paying their tax bills. Is this a genuine new offer or just a ruse?

CARS - 15.05.2009

Cutting tax on the company car

When you add a sat-nav as an extra to your company car it will cost you more in tax. The rate you’ll pay is based on your vehicle’s CO2 emissions. But is there a way to reduce or even eliminate this extra tax bill?

VAT - PROPERTY - 15.05.2009

Important date for property owners

If you’re buying or selling property in this depressed market, there’s an important change around the corner which could save buyers both VAT and Stamp Duty. And if you’re selling, it could make it easier to find a buyer. What’s the story?

BUDGET 2009 - 15.05.2009

Budget changes

We’ve rounded-up a couple of the less well publicised aspects of the Budget. These relate to errors on tax returns, and ISAs. Miss out at your own risk!

PART-TIME WORKING - 15.05.2009

Q&A - guarantee payments and part-timers


Claim out of time

CONTRACTS - 15.05.2009

Re-employing redundant workers

Despite your best efforts, redundancies can be unavoidable. But what happens if you later find that you’ve got work coming in, but not enough to hire experienced ex-employees on a permanent basis? What’s your best option then?


Can you get a leaner workforce?

You may have read that the NHS recently told its overweight staff to shed their extra pounds, apparently so it can promote the right image. If you’re tempted to encourage your staff to do the same, are there any potential risks?


Using police statements to dismiss employees


Upset because of their belief

An employee says that something you have asked them to do is against their religion and if you insist they do it, they’ll claim discrimination. Understandably, you’re worried. So how can a recent case help you?

EQUAL PAY - 15.05.2009

Can staff discuss their salaries?

It’s come to your notice that some of your employees have been talking about their salaries. You’re worried that this could lead to an equal pay claim. Is it OK to add a secrecy clause to their contracts to keep them quiet?


No right to work flexibly

It’s estimated that around ten million employees now have the statutory right to request a flexible working pattern. But how can you deal with an application from a member of staff who isn’t a parent or a carer and so doesn’t have this right?

REDUNDANCY - 15.05.2009

What’s the new redundancy rage?

No one likes being made redundant. But some employees have taken it so badly they’ve turned on their employers. Why is this?


The Mother of All Lists


Shorter URLs


Do you have a universal nickname?


Wireless problems?

Suppose you have a wireless Wi-Fi network at home or the office, but you find you can hardly surf the Web or use your e-mail in certain places. How can you improve your wireless signal?


Allow visitors to show their appreciation

Have you noticed that online news articles are often accompanied by a button allowing readers to e-mail the text to others, save it as an online bookmark, post it on Facebook, etc. How do you add such a button to your own blog or website?

SECURITY - PRIVACY - 15.05.2009

Telltale files...

When you create a file and share it with friends or customers, you may be giving away more information than you’d like. Indeed, virtually all files contain hidden data. What do you need to know about this?


Facebook for advanced users

Facebook has quickly developed into a hugely popular networking site. It offers many options, but there are lots of applications that can extend its possibilities further. Here are a couple of useful ones.

SOFTWARE - WINDOWS - 15.05.2009

Enhancing your desktop

Your Windows desktop is likely to contain dozens of shortcuts to programs and documents. A bit messy? By using dedicated software, you can make your desktop much more attractive.

SOFTWARE - VIDEO - 15.05.2009

Miro, a universal online video player

Miro is a free video player that not only plays your videos but also helps you find them online. Version 2.0 of this handy tool was released recently. What does it have to offer?


See you online

In times of financial crisis, long business trips abroad may no longer be warranted. By meeting virtually, you can save a lot of money. We put a couple of services to the test.

E-MAIL - E-MAIL USE - 15.05.2009

Consolidate your e-mail addresses

Do you lose time checking all your e-mail accounts constantly? By consolidating them into one single webmail account, you can make this task a lot more efficient. How do you tackle this?

SEARCHING - IMAGES - 15.05.2009

Not just a photograph...

Google Images is an excellent starting point for searching for photographs on the Web. A number of new search options were added recently. We tried them out for you and also present a number of original alternatives.


Online presentations

You’re probably using PowerPoint for creating your presentations. To share them with others, you can place your presentations online or even create them entirely in your browser. How does it work and what services can assist you?


Looking for something, somewhere

Online “yellow pages” now sit alongside consumer review sites. As Qype has been revamped, we review websites that help you find what you want.

TRAINING - 15.05.2009

£1,000 grants for training

DEBT RECOVERY - 15.05.2009

Can’t claim interest - it’s wrong!

A customer has refused to pay your company’s invoice because of a minor error in the paperwork. It doesn’t change the fact that they owe you money. You now want to add on interest, but they’re claiming this will be illegal. Are they right?


HMRC benchmark scale rates for subsistence

HMRC has introduced benchmark rates for subsistence payments to directors and employees. Is this an opportunity for you to pay tax-free expenses without reporting them to the Taxman, or a sneaky way for him to collect more tax?

PERSONNEL - 15.05.2009

Clearing out poor performers

Redundancy is usually the last thing that any company wants to consider. Yet, if approached properly it can be a useful way of clearing out under-performing employees. So how can you do this with minimal risk to your company?

PROPERTY - 15.05.2009

Property investment to pay for further education

You’ve got enough on your plate as a director guiding your company through the economic crisis. So you don’t want to be worrying about the cost of keeping your offspring at university. Could the unfashionable buy-to-let market be of help?


Cutting the banks out of lending

As a successful director you want your investments to do as well as possible. But with high street interest rates at an all time low this is becoming harder. So could the concept of “social lending” offer you a higher rate of return on your money?

BUDGET - 15.05.2009

Budget 2009 - the important changes

The headlines talked about massive national debt and 50% income tax rates to pay for it. But as usual the small print contains much more that you ought to be aware of. So was it a good budget for you and your company?

BUSINESS RATES - 15.05.2009

Deferring business rates

The government has made a last-minute change to the new business rates regime. How can your company benefit, if at all?

PENSIONS - 08.05.2009

The “trivial” £18,000 pension

Although the pension rules are now more flexible, ultimately you’ll probably have to use some of your fund to buy an annuity. But there’s an exception to this rule. Can you take advantage of it?

INHERITANCE TAX - 08.05.2009

Variation not compensation

A recent case highlighted a little known trap when using deeds of variation for Inheritance Tax (IHT) planning. If you fall into it you could lose any tax advantage and create an administrative nightmare. So how can you avoid it?

LOAN INTEREST - 08.05.2009

Tax relief on loan to pay for your holiday?

A friend has told you that he’s claiming tax relief on interest he’s paid on a loan he took out to pay for a holiday. He secured the borrowing on his home to get a lower rate of interest. Will the Taxman really allow this?


An Inspector calls - the Taxman’s new powers

There have been reports in the press that the Taxman will use his new powers to make unannounced visits to people’s homes for the purpose of “making enquiries”. Is this true, and if so, how should you respond?


Class 2 NI penalty up to 100%


Voluntary rate comes with benefits

Paying voluntary NI contributions could increase your state pension when you retire. But as the NI rate has leapt by 50%, is it now worth it?

PAYMENTS - 08.05.2009

Taxman’s bank changes

VAT - 08.05.2009

New rules for VAT errors

We often receive queries from subscribers about how to deal with errors made on past VAT returns. How will this be affected by the recent changes to time limits and the penalty regime?


Giving up your share option for a tax advantage

The shortage of bank lending has left many businesses looking for alternative funding to keep them afloat. If you’re thinking of investing, is there something you can do to get an extra tax break?

PERSONNEL - 07.05.2009

Mediation in the workplace

The ACAS Code of Practice suggests mediation as a way to resolve workplace disputes. You and your fellow directors want to avoid the costs associated with employment litigation. So if you bring in a mediator what should you consider?

CONTRACTS - 07.05.2009

Backing out of an unsuccessful franchise

Your company signed up to a franchise which proved to be nowhere near as profitable as you’d been led to believe. The franchisor says if you walk away, they’ll sue you for breach of contract. Where do you stand?


Earning interest from your company

Banks are now paying interest at all-time-low rates. So, could you use your director’s loan account to switch the investment to one in your company’s name, and get a better result?

INSURANCE - 07.05.2009

Q&A - damage to company vehicle

VAT - 07.05.2009

Taxman rings the changes on time limits

A recent press release from HM Revenue & Customs announced that the time limits on reclaiming input VAT have been extended. That sounds like good news, but in practice how could this affect your company?


Topping up your income with a USP

You could do with some cash as you’ve had to reduce your salary to ease your company’s cash flow. A co-director has told you that he’s topped up his income by drawing on his unsecured pension. Is this option open to you?

INSOLVENCY - 07.05.2009

What’s a pre-pack?

Pre-packs are increasingly being used to rescue businesses that are in financial difficulties. What are they, and what could be their implications for you?


Taking extra care with health and safety

You’ve heard that the outcome of a recent case makes it easier than ever for the Health and Safety Executive to pursue directors personally if their companies fall foul of workplace legislation. Is this correct?

PROPERTY - 07.05.2009

You must have a HIP to sell

MACHINERY - 05.05.2009

Prosecuted for ignoring the actions of staff

Marks & Spencer has recently been prosecuted following an accident in one of its warehouses. How did it happen and what lessons can be learned from this case in particular?

TRAINING - 05.05.2009

Must all staff have fire extinguisher training?

You’ve heard that it’s a legal requirement for employers to ensure that all staff are trained in the use of fire extinguishers. Is this really the case, and if so, what level of training is required and who should complete it?

SHIFT WORKERS - 05.05.2009

Must you stop the night shift?

Recent reports have indicated that there are significant risks associated with shift-work. If this is really the case does it mean the end for 24-hour working?

GAS - 05.05.2009

Gas Safe Register

CONFINED SPACES - 05.05.2009

Confined spaces official guidance update

The Approved Code of Practice that covers work in confined spaces has been updated by the HSE. What’s been changed and does this mean that you must revise the way work in confined spaces is planned and managed?


Information Regulations amended

The Health and Safety Information (Amendment) Regulations 2009 have recently come into force. How might this legislation affect what information you have to share with your staff?

COMPETENCE - 05.05.2009

Bypass the CHAS selection panel

You’ve heard that common sense has prevailed and the various contractor competence schemes have started to recognise each other. So does this mean you only have to satisfy one set of assessors to get all the badges?

COSHH - 05.05.2009

Extracting solder fume

You have organised some repairs to printed circuit boards etc. However, before they start, a member of staff has asked for a local exhaust ventilation (LEV) system, to safeguard them from the soldering fume. Is this necessary?

ENTERTAINMENT - MUSIC - 01.05.2009 no longer free?

SOFTWARE - CD & DVD - 01.05.2009

Storing CDs and DVDs on your hard disk

Hard disks are becoming increasingly cheaper and bigger: disks of 500GB or 1TB are no longer exceptions these days. You can use this space to create a digital “image” of your CDs and DVDs. How does it work?

SECURITY - PRIVACY - 01.05.2009

Google versus your privacy


What’s in a (domain) name?

A domain name can tell you a lot about the owner, the webserver used, the Internet connection, etc. How do you find this information? And what should you do if you wish to register a domain name that’s already been taken?


Best advice for beating the recession

There’s a new site offering advice in these troubled times. We check if “Surviving the credit crunch” can beat the established players.


Organising files and folders

When you have loads of files and folders sitting on your hard disk, you might not be able to see the wood for the trees. How can you make it easier to recognise and locate your files and folders?


Managing tasks

E-MAIL - E-MAIL SOFTWARE - 01.05.2009

Opera Mail: something for you?

One would have the impression that Microsoft Outlook, Windows Live Mail and Thunderbird are the only good e-mail programs around. And yet there are excellent alternatives, such as Opera Mail. Is it something for you?


Assistance for Microsoft programs

Many people view the Microsoft products on their computer as the main source of all their computer problems. Fortunately, Microsoft offers a number of useful websites where you can find solutions to these problems.

SOFTWARE - PDF - 01.05.2009

Creating PDF files: commercial versus free

Do you wish to create PDF documents and are you hesitating between a commercial and a free product? Let’s compare the main features of paying for one and a free program.


Which online photo editor?

You typically edit your photos using a graphics program, but there are good online photo editors as well. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. We compare a number of free tools.

SOFTWARE - BROWSER - 01.05.2009

Spicing up IE 8

We introduced the new Internet Explorer 8 in detail in the previous issue. For loyal IE users, this upgrade contains many improvements and is a must. But perhaps you can improve it further by means of add-ons?

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