H&S MANAGEMENT - 21.06.2011

New to the job?

According to the HSE, workers are most likely to have an accident during their first six months at a new workplace. Why is this?

High numbers. According to statistics published by the HSE, the level of serious accidents reported under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) is at its highest in the first six months of a new job (see The next step).

Why is this? The HSE has identified a number of reasons. These include: (1) lack of experience in the new industry or workplace; (2) being unfamiliar with the site layout and places of danger, e.g. loading bays; (3) failing to recognise hazards; and (4) not understanding obvious rules for work equipment. Plus, they may be reluctant to raise concerns to managers and colleagues or, because of a desire to impress their new employer, the worker may rush by cutting corners and ignoring warning signs and rules.

Tip 1. When selecting new staff, ensure that they have the appropriate skills, knowledge and capability to do the job, e.g. suitable level of numeracy and literacy.

Tip 2. Make sure that you give staff appropriate induction training (see The next step). This should cover your: (1) site layout; (2) risk assessments for their workplace and the tasks that they will be asked to complete; (3) fire and emergency procedures; (4) first aid; and (5) staff welfare arrangements.

Tip 3. If the work will involve significant risks, new starters should be put under close supervision for the first few months. Line managers/supervisors etc. should check that they’re following safe systems of work and avoiding dangerous areas of the site. If new staff fail to work safely, action should be taken immediately.

For a link to the HSE’s statistics (HS 09.20.01A) and for a free health and safety induction checklist (HS 09.20.01B), visit http://healthandsafety.indicator.co.uk.

Accidents happen due to lack of experience and job familiarity. They can be avoided by selecting suitable staff for the job, giving them proper induction training and placing them under close supervision.

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