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2014 - February

SOFTWARE - BROWSER - 28.02.2014

Get rid of those ads


Protect your Microsoft account

If you want to use a Microsoft product or service, you’re required to have an online Windows account in most cases. How do you best protect this crucial account?


Ask Google!


Remove the background

EDUCATION - COURSES - 28.02.2014

Bridging the skills gap

One in five vacancies can’t be filled due to a skills shortage. We check how businesses and individuals can find the right approach, courses and funding.


Remote access to your computer

LogMeIn, one of the best-known services for controlling your computer remotely, has started to charge an annual fee. Are there any good alternatives, and what should you pay attention to?


Live slideshows

Would you like to present your products or services in an attractive way? There’s PowerPoint, of course, but there are many alternatives. We put the young cloud tool, Swipe, to the test.

E-MAIL - WEBMAIL - 28.02.2014

Make Gmail even more versatile

Gmail is a hugely popular webmail service. It’s crammed with features and new ones are added regularly. Here are some tips and tools for extending its possibilities even further.


More (free) space for your cloud

Dropbox gives you 2GB free, SkyDrive 7GB. If this isn’t enough, you have to take out a subscription. But you can also look for free alternatives. How about 1TB of cloud storage or creating your own (unlimited) “cloud”?

SECURITY - BROWSER - 28.02.2014

Browser extensions can also be malicious

Browser extensions are handy tools for extending your browser’s possibilities. However, they are increasingly used for spreading malware. How can you protect yourself?

SOFTWARE - VIDEO - 28.02.2014

The best video player

Are you still using Windows Media Player to watch videos on your computer? Why not try out an alternative program? Let’s check out some good video players.


Use Markdown for formatting your texts

You may have noticed that if you post an article on a blog or a comment on a website, you’re increasingly given the option to do this in “Markdown”. What is it exactly, and how can this be useful to you?


Is your website still accessible?

Your website gives customers access to your products and services, online support, contact details, etc. But a technical problem may cause your website to be down for a while. How can you be kept informed about this?

COMPUTER - USB - 28.02.2014

Tips and tools for USB users

Although cloud services such as Dropbox and Google Drive are very convenient for storage and backup purposes, USB sticks remain highly popular. The following tips and tools let you make even better use of USB.


Smelly food at desks

One of your employees has started bringing in food which they eat at their desk. The smell hangs around for ages creating an unpleasant working atmosphere. What’s the best way to tackle the problem?


Counselling services and your duty of care

In certain cases of long-term sickness absence, the provision of counselling services can be a reasonable adjustment. Can you just pick any provider from an online search or is there more to it than that?


No more minimum SSP records from 6 April 2014

From 6 April 2014 you will no longer be required to maintain minimum statutory sick pay (SSP) records. Does that mean you can forget about keeping employee sickness absence records altogether?

DATA PROTECTION - 25.02.2014

Tracking their every move

An electronics manufacturer has produced a high-tech ID badge that can track your employees’ every move. This may sound like a great way to find out what staff get up to but what’s the problem?

RECRUITMENT - 25.02.2014

Job applicants with poor English language skills

You’re recruiting for a job and want to reject any applicants with poor English language skills. However, you’re worried that this sort of decision may be discriminatory. What’s the legal position?

GRIEVANCES - 25.02.2014

Must a grievance always be put in writing?

Your employees have the statutory right to raise a grievance from day one of employment. However, if they want to exercise this right, must they put their grievance in writing?


Sex at work out of hours: is it gross misconduct?

In a recent case the employee claimed unfair dismissal after he was sacked for engaging in sexual activities outside of hours but on work premises. Was his behaviour gross misconduct or not?

PAYE PENALTIES - 18.02.2014

Late paying your PAYE? How can you avoid penalties?

If you’re late paying your PAYE, NI or construction industry scheme (CIS)deductions more than once in a tax year, HMRC will charge you penalties. If cash flow is tight, what can you do to avoid these stacking up?


How to ensure your salary sacrifice saves tax

Salary sacrifice is accepted by HMRC as a legitimate way to reduce tax and NI. However, some employers aren’t meeting the conditions for the schemes to be tax effective. What steps are needed to ensure that your scheme works?


Claim your £2,000 NI allowance

The new employment allowance (EA) could cut your NI bill by £2,000. HMRC recently published its guide on how and when you can claim it. What’s the full story?

HMRC - 18.02.2014

HMRC text messages

BENEFITS - 18.02.2014

How far can you stretch a tax-free loan?

From April directors can borrow more from their company without being taxed. The downside is that the company still faces a tax bill. As a director how can you take advantage of the new tax break without your company being hit?


HMRC wins profit shifting case

A tribunal recently ruled that the profit shifting scheme used by two married couples who were shareholders in the same company was caught by anti-avoidance rules. What went wrong and how can you avoid the same trap?

GIFT AID - 18.02.2014

Gift aid benefits

The government’s limit on tax relief for gift aid payments doesn’t affect most people. In fact, where you pay them you can knock a bit off your tax bill. But did you know you can actually make a profit on the deal?

VAT - 18.02.2014

Bad debt or fraud - is there a difference for VAT?

Despite vetting your account customers, one of them has done a runner leaving your invoices unpaid. Do the bad debt rules apply meaning you must wait to recover the VAT you’ve paid to HMRC or can you reclaim sooner?


All Google tips in one spot


Reaching your mobile customers

Smartphones and tablets occupy an increasingly important place in the lives of your customers these days. How do you address this development via your website or online webshop?


Google apps on your desktop

Google has been offering Chrome apps for three years now - tiny applications running within the Chrome browser. However, you can now also run these apps outside your browser. How, and are these useful?


Create flip books from PDFs and JPGs


Chatting professionally in teams

Chatting is much more than just sending meaningless messages through the Internet. Real-time chat technologies nowadays allow you to communicate flexibly with your colleagues or business relations. HipChat wants to help you.


Booting from a USB stick

Computers typically boot from a hard drive or SSD. However, it may be useful to boot a computer from a portable medium such as a USB stick. What tools can create such a stick?

SOFTWARE - PDF - 18.02.2014

Working with PDF documents on your tablet or computer

The portable document format (PDF) has become the standard for sharing and reading documents on all types of computers and mobile devices. What tools help you to work with PDFs efficiently on tablets and computers?

E-MAIL - MAILING LISTS - 18.02.2014



Safe in the cloud

When you post files in the cloud, e.g. Dropbox, they will be encrypted automatically by the service. If you think this isn’t safe enough, however, you can encrypt them yourself using the free Boxcryptor. How does it work?

COMPUTER - MOBILE - 18.02.2014

Tablet + computer = the ideal pair

Tablets are handy devices for checking e-mails, surfing on the Internet, etc. while travelling or at the kitchen table. However, you can also use a mobile device as an extension to your computer. Here are some professional applications.

SOFTWARE - PHOTO - 18.02.2014

Alternatives for Photoshop?

Photoshop may be considered the best software for photo editing, it’s also very expensive. Are there any free or cheap alternatives available, and what do they have to offer?

E-MAIL - E-MAIL USE - 18.02.2014

External images in e-mail messages

Gmail now also shows images in your incoming messages, although this is generally considered to be unsafe. What’s the story behind this change, and what about other e-mail services?


Thanks, Task Manager

Is your computer no longer performing as it should? The Windows Task Manager can tell you quite a bit about your computer’s performance. How can you make good use of this information?


Cutting the cost of travel

The easyCar Club scheme for owners and renters is expanding. Other clubs, including carpooling schemes, can help both individuals and businesses.

COST SAVING - 13.02.2014

New IT subsidy for companies

DIRECTORS’ TAX - 13.02.2014

The (tax subsidised) one-man company canteen

One of our subscribers told us he was fed up hearing from friends who work in large companies about their tax-subsidised meals in the firm’s canteen. He asked us if his one-man company could get the same tax break?

DIRECTORS’ TAX - 13.02.2014

HMRC tax codes still showing errors

Throughout February and March most directors will receive new tax codes. The trouble is that many of those we’ve seen contain incorrect figures. What are the key areas you should be looking at when checking your code?

MARKETING - 13.02.2014

Bag the best website addresses

ICANN has begun rolling out over 1,000 new domain name extensions. Even if your company already has a good website address, why should you consider registering some others?

PERSONNEL - 13.02.2014

Professionally drafted service contracts

You’ve asked a firm of solicitors to draw up a service contract for a director based on terms that have already been verbally agreed. As they are instructed on behalf of the company what else must you insist on?

DIRECTORS’ DUTIES - 13.02.2014

A disagreement or a breach of your duties?

Let’s suppose that your fellow directors have overruled you on a particular decision. If you deferred to them without any objection, would you be in breach of your “duty to act in the company’s best interests at all times”?

COMPANY LAW - 13.02.2014

Can you give your shares away?

Your accountant has suggested you transfer some of your shares to your partner for tax reasons. You mentioned it to your fellow directors but they aren’t keen on the idea. Does company law give them the power to block you?


Q&A - Must we stop putting salt down?


What to cover in a method statement

You’ve been asked to prepare a method statement that identifies how you will install machinery on a client’s premises. However, you aren’t really sure what to include or how much detail to go into. Are there any rules?

H&S INFORMATION - 13.02.2014

Time to change your safety law poster

ENFORCEMENT - 13.02.2014

Crackdown in the courts

A change in approach regarding health and safety prosecutions has led to tougher penalties, including custodial sentences. What could this mean for you?


A smooth-running committee

Are your health and safety committee meetings drawn off track by discussions about leaky boots and other trivia? Are you worried that you’re not covering all you should? What you need is a standard agenda.


Workers hit personally

There have been many cases where the employer takes all the blame even though the actions of workers haven’t been up to scratch. But, as recent prosecutions show, individuals can be held personally liable. What’s to know?

WORK AT HEIGHT - 13.02.2014

Avoiding falls into tanks, vats and pits

Recent changes to the L24 Approved Code of Practice (ACoP) have clarified the practical measures required to prevent falls into large vessels containing hazardous substances. What does this long-awaited document say?


Do you need to vaccinate your welders?

One of your staff has said that because he’s exposed to welding and metal fumes you’re supposed to arrange for him to have a vaccination against pneumonia. Does such a vaccine exist, and if so what are your obligations?

LEGISLATION - 13.02.2014

The Deregulation Bill - the reality

The Deregulation Bill has now been presented to Parliament and should be enacted later this year. But should you believe the hype - will it release individuals from compliance with health and safety legislation as promised?


You’re not contacting my GP!

Let’s suppose that one of your employees claims to be disabled. You want to confirm the position with their GP, but whenever you ask for their written consent to do this you’re met with a point-blank refusal. Where do you stand?


Flexible working extension delayed

Having previously told employers that the statutory right to request flexible working was to be extended to all employees on 6 April 2014, the government has now put this change on hold. What’s going on?

REDUNDANCY - 11.02.2014

Redundancy: must you accept volunteers?

In a recent case the employer ignored an employee who had volunteered for redundancy and made another person compulsorily redundant instead. Its decision was ruled to be unfair. Does that mean you must always accept volunteers?


Resignations during disciplinary proceedings

Quite often, when an employee is informed that they are to be made the subject of disciplinary proceedings their reaction will be to resign. In this situation should you continue with your disciplinary procedure?

ATTENDANCE - 11.02.2014

Q&A - getting to work on time

DISMISSAL - 11.02.2014

Dismissal: this really is the final straw

An employee can resign and claim constructive dismissal if an event is the final straw for them. But what about the other way around? Can you dismiss an employee because they’ve done something that is the final straw for you?


OTT perfumes and aftershave

When it comes to smelly employees it’s not always BO or bad breath that’s the problem - some happily douse themselves in strong perfumes and aftershaves. How can you deal with this kind of problem?


MPs criticise “outrageous” confidentiality clauses

MPs recently criticised the use of confidentiality clauses in certain settlement agreements, stating that the employers’ requirements were outrageous. Does this mean you shouldn’t subject an employee to such a clause?


Can you claim more than one AIA?

At the end of this year the annual investment allowance (AIA) will be slashed from £250,000 to £25,000. For some businesses the position might be even worse. Which companies will be affected and why?

ACCOUNTS - 04.02.2014

New accounting rules - tax effects

HMRC has published its view on the tax effects of the new accounting rules. Will your company be affected and if so what should you be doing about it?


Opportunity for extra pension

INHERITANCE TAX - 04.02.2014

HMRC checking on more valuations

For the second year in a row HMRC has raked in over 20% in extra inheritance tax (IHT) by challenging property valuations. However, there are simple steps you can take to counter the attack; what are they?

CAPITAL GAINS TAX - 04.02.2014

Use a company to cut tax on property gains

You’re planning to move home and, following a neighbour’s example, you reckon you can get more by selling off part of your garden separately for development. How should you structure the deal to obtain the best tax result?


Setting your remuneration package for 2014/15

We now know the NI limits for the next tax year as well as the tax-free allowances and rate bands. If you want to set your salary for optimum tax efficiency what figure should you be aiming at?

LOSSES - 04.02.2014

Tax break for shareholders of struggling companies

A few years ago you put money into a new company. It’s in trouble but might pull through; however, your original investment is now worth virtually nothing. How can you turn this disaster into a tax advantage that might rescue the business?


HMRC attack on wealthy Southerners

VAT - 04.02.2014

The VAT that HMRC won’t let you reclaim

If you’re registered you can reclaim VAT you pay on purchases. However, there’s more to it than that. What are HMRC’s must-follow rules and how can they be used to boost VAT recovery?

INPUT VAT - CARS - 04.02.2014

VAT BAK on your number plate?

You’ve always fancied a private plate and as a bonus you’ve heard that you can claim the VAT back on the purchase price. But is this really true and if so in what circumstances can you claim the VAT back?

VAT RETURNS - 04.02.2014

EU to impose monthly returns?

The European Commission is to recommend that monthly VAT returns should be introduced throughout the EU to “cut red tape”. What are the implications?


Latest from the VATman

INSURANCE - 04.02.2014

Save VAT with block policies?

If you take out a block insurance policy and make a charge for the premium to your customers, should you be charging them any VAT? And what if you’re not a registered insurer?

BUILDING COSTS - 04.02.2014

Can’t sell a new house? What about the VAT?

Even though the market is supposedly booming again, what if you build a house that you can’t sell or that you intend to rent out? Can you reclaim the VAT on all those construction materials?

REFUNDS - 04.02.2014

How to reclaim VAT you haven’t paid

If you make a refund to a customer, you can usually reclaim the corresponding VAT you accounted for on the original sale but not in every case. When are you not allowed to do this and how are the rules changing?

CHARITIES - 04.02.2014

What’s the liability of donations and fundraising?

If you’re a charity or non-profit-making body you will have many different income streams, including donations and cash from fundraising events. But what are the VAT consequences?

SECURITY - BACKUP - 04.02.2014

Exporting your Google data


How much data do your apps use?

E-MAIL - E-MAIL SOFTWARE - 04.02.2014

E-mail apps for your iOS device

The default Mail app on your iPhone or iPad generally works fine, but it may not always meet your preferences and e-mail habits. What are some good alternatives?


Sharing information within your company

If you store your corporate information centrally, you can easily share it with colleagues within your business. The Confluence tool wants to help you. Is it useful?


Keep stock of your online data

Chances are you’re storing plenty of data with various storage services in the cloud or you have multiple accounts with the same service. The following tools and tips will help you to keep stock of all your accounts and data.


Cheaper phone calls with Viber?

After “Skype Out”, there’s “ViberOut”, which lets you make phone calls to ordinary telephone numbers through your smartphone. Viber advertises low prices, but is it really the cheapest solution?

LEISURE - MUSIC - 04.02.2014

AirPlay: music (and more) on your stereo or TV

Would you like to stream music, video and photos from your iPhone or iPad? This is possible thanks to the built-in AirPlay. How does it work, and what exactly do you need? Plus, does it run on Android?


Feedback is essential

As a professional you should endeavour to get information from your customers. It’s therefore essential to offer them various feedback channels. Online polls should certainly be one of those.


A facelift for your computer

Perhaps some programs are no longer running as they should? Or do you think that your computer is making too much noise or is no longer looking clean? Here are some tips for giving your computer a facelift.

BUSINESS - FINANCE - 04.02.2014

Helping SMEs save money

As well as growing their businesses, SMEs always want to reduce costs. We look at several sites that can help businesses save money and provide advice.

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