TAX - BENEFITS - 25.06.2018

HMRC “quality standard” for P11Ds

Deadline.P11Ds (returns of benefits and expenses for employees and directors) for 2017/18 must be submitted no later than 6 July 2018 or HMRC will fine you £100 per form. The same deadline applies to Form P11D(b) , which is the declaration form for Class 1A NI for benefits you report on Forms P11D . Both forms can be completed and submitted online or on paper and must meet HMRC’s “quality standard”, i.e. include specific information about your employees and the benefits, or they’ll be rejected (see The next step ). Tip. Submitting P11Ds online has the advantage of checking the information meets HMRC’s standard as you prepare the forms so they stand much less risk of being rejected.

For a link to HMRC’s quality standard list for P11Ds, visit (CD 19.19.08).

The deadline for submitting Forms P11D and P11D(b) for 2017/18 is 6 July 2018. Completing and submitting the forms online helps reduce the risk of errors so that HMRC won’t reject them.

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