Q&A - is time for a combined approach?

Q. For some time we have had management systems in place for quality, environment and health and safety purposes. As they are all certified against different standards, i.e. ISO 9001 , ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 , we have always maintained separate policy and manual documents. However, now that the new safety system, ISO 45001 , has come in, it has been suggested that we can combine all three into a quality, health & safety and environmental system. Is this something that we should consider?

A.ISO 45001 is a new health and safety system that was introduced in 2018. It replaces the British Standard OHSAS 18001. Unlike the previous Standard, ISO 45001 is very much in line with its quality and environmental partners. In fact, much of the text and the standards are pretty much identical. As it’s so similar, it encourages a joined up approach to managing all three aspects of compliance.

Tip. If you’re looking to move from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001 , it is definitely worth considering merging your policy documents, manual etc. Although it’s work up front, this initial effort makes life easier moving forward, as it saves time maintaining policy documents, briefing and training staff, plus it makes the external audit process simpler.

Note. Another benefit is that the new standards ( ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 were updated in 2015) allow more flexibility in how you develop and implement your management system. This means it’s easier to create documents etc. that work for you, rather than for getting a tick in the box from an external auditor.

If you’re moving from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001, it’s well worth considering merging your safety policy documents with those for the quality and environment. This is because ISO 45001 is very similar to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

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