RECRUITMENT - 24.08.2018

Q&A - job ads and minimum experience

Q. When we advertise a job role, can we specify a minimum number of years’ experience?

A. Requiring a job applicant to have a minimum number of years’ experience isn’t automatically unlawful. That said, it is potentially indirectly discriminatory on the grounds of age as younger candidates are less likely to be able to meet the requirement. You would therefore need to be able to justify it, which for some roles will be a challenge. A safer option would be to specify the type or level of experience that’s needed for the particular job.

You can also set out any skills and/or qualifications which are required for the role.

Requiring a job applicant to have a minimum number of years’ experience is potentially indirectly discriminatory on the grounds of age. The safer option would be to specify the type and level of experience, along with any skills or qualifications needed for the particular job role.

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