FIRST AID - 14.02.2022

Determining first aid needs

Because every workplace is different, it’s impossible for the HSE to specify your first aid requirements in detail. Instead, you’re advised to carry out an assessment of first aid needs. Why not use our form?


Completing an assessment of first aidneeds is a requirement of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 . They don’t specifically require that the assessment is written down; however, there are good reasons to do so. Putting your assessment in writing provides evidence that you did what was required. It’s also easier to review your arrangements in the future if you have a record of why you decided on certain facilities or numbers of trained staff. That’s where our First Aid Needs Assessment comes in (see The next step ). By using it you’ll work through the HSE’s recommendations to determine what’s appropriate in terms of equipment, facilities, personnel and procedures.

Creating your assessment

Our document begins with an explanation of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 , followed by a section outlining the location to be assessed and the names of those signing the assessment. Following this, you are asked to complete information about the: (1)“Risk of injury” ; (2)“Persons at risk” ; (3)“Location/ accessibility to emergency personnel” ; and (4)“Hours of work” . These are all criteria which affect your decisions later on in the assessment process.

The form helps you to consider the various factors at play including how quickly professional help may arrive, your hours of operation and the number of personnel on site.

Tip. Follow the directions in italics within each box on the form. These explain the type of information to enter.

Tip. The way you work may have changed through the course of the pandemic, e.g. due to an increase in homeworking. Anticipate how your business will change over the coming year and ensure your plans for first aid will keep pace.

Tip. Review past accidents and talk to first aiders about their experiences in order to add some realism to your assessment.

Putting a plan together

With the first part having looked at the background information, part two moves on to your conclusions about first aid needs. Again, we’ve included guidelines based on HSE advice, and separate sections to help you focus on each aspect. It covers equipment, personnel, their level of training and records of treatment.

There’s also a specific section where you can explain any extra cover you have from mental health first aiders. And to help particularly with your coronavirus precautions, there’s a template safe system of work for first aiders to follow.

Tip. Although we’ve included a fair amount of guidance you may find that you require more, especially when working out the level of training needed for your first aiders. If this is the case the best source of information is the HSE’s official guidance to the regulations (see The next step ).

Tip. Summarise the “Further action required” in the final box on the form, e.g. equipment to be purchased or training to arrange.

For a template first aid needs assessment and a link to the HSE’s guidance L74, visit , Download Zone , year 20, issue 11.

Our form makes it easy to produce a written assessment by guiding you through a logical sequence of queries, with guidance along the way. Completing it will help you to determine the facilities, equipment and personnel you need to provide adequate first aid cover and comply with the law.

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