PPE - 14.02.2024

Why well fitting PPE matters

As a last line of defence, PPE can be an effective way of protecting your staff by forming a barrier between them and the hazard you are exposing them to. But it’s critical to ensure a good fit. Why is this so important?

Individual factors

There is no such thing as “one size fits all” when it comes to PPE. Traditional gender roles, e.g. male-dominated construction work, are no longer applicable, so sourcing PPE to fit all shapes, sizes, denominations, etc. is increasingly important. Factors to take into account include body shape, age, weight, pregnancy and the working environment, e.g. temperature, humidity, etc. Consideration should also be given to religious beliefs and any reasonable adjustments that should be made under the Equality Act 2010 .

Importance of a good fit

Properly fitted PPE ensures that it covers the intended areas of the body, minimising exposure to hazards. A good fit creates a barrier between the worker and harmful substances, physical risks, or airborne contaminants, reducing the chance of injury or illness. Ill-fitting PPE leaves exposed areas susceptible to injury, chemical splashes or physical impacts. When PPE is properly fitted it functions optimally, offering its intended level of protection and reducing the likelihood of injury or illness.

Comfort and compliance

Comfortable PPE that fits well increases wearer compliance. If PPE is uncomfortable or poorly fitted, employees may be inclined to remove or modify it, putting themselves at risk. Properly fitting PPE reduces discomfort, encourages consistent usage, and promotes a culture of safety and compliance.

Improved mobility

Tight or restrictive PPE can hinder communication, impede vision or hearing, and restrict mobility, potentially compromising safety. Proper fit enables workers to communicate effectively and perform their tasks efficiently while maintaining the necessary level of protection.

Prevention of contamination

Well-fitting PPE provides a reliable seal or barrier. This is especially important for PPE such as respiratory masks, gloves, or protective clothing that must prevent penetration by hazardous substances. A good fit minimises the risk of contaminants entering or exiting the PPE, reducing the potential for exposure or cross-contamination. Tip. As products become more diverse, it can be harder to keep track of the issue and replacement of PPE. Use our document, PPE Issue Record , to track what PPE has been issued to an individual and when (see The next step ). Adapt the form to your specific needs, e.g. instead of using generic terms such as “safety googles” make sure you note the brand (and size in some cases) to make it more efficient when you come to re-order. You could even track cost on this form.


It’s important to get feedback from your staff as to whether they are satisfied with their issued PPE. This enables you to adjust if not. Tip. Use our new PPE Feedback Form to gather feedback (see The next step ). Adjust this to suit the PPE you are reviewing. If you make any changes based on the contents of the returned form make sure you communicate your reasons to those involved.

For our PPE Issue Record and PPE Feedback Form, visit https://www.tips-and-advice.co.uk , Download Zone, year 22 issue 11.

Well-fitting PPE acts as a reliable line of defence, shielding workers from harmful substances, heat, noise and other risks. Regular evaluation, training, and providing a range of sizes and adjustable options can help ensure efficacy of issued PPE.

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