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2008 - November

SOFTWARE - NETWORKS - 28.11.2008

Your network in tip-top shape

If you have several networked computers, how do you know that the network is operating efficiently and how can you improve access to all of the linked computers?

E-MAIL - WEBMAIL - 28.11.2008

Special webmail services

In addition to all-round performers such as Gmail and Hotmail, there are webmail services which take a rather different approach. Here are some good examples of programs that have specific features that may appeal.

SOFTWARE - BROWSERS - 28.11.2008

Flocking together

A lot of people use their browser for keeping in touch with their social network community on Facebook or MySpace. The free Flock browser has been developed especially for them. What does it have to offer?

WEB SERVICES - 28.11.2008

Keep me posted

WEBMAIL - 28.11.2008

Attachments in Gmail

SOFTWARE - OFFICE - 28.11.2008

Office suites: how good is “free”?

Microsoft Office is the most popular office suite by far. But competition is becoming tougher and tougher. How does the free alternative,, which has just released version 3.0, compete with Microsoft Office?

CONSUMER - MONEY - 28.11.2008

Surviving the credit crunch

The economic downturn has made the need for financial information and advice all the more important. We look at the Web’s current offerings.

CONSUMER - SHOPPING - 28.11.2008

Here’s my wish list!

The end-of-year festivities are drawing near, maybe it’s time to start thinking about the gifts you’d like to receive. Why not compile your own wish list online?

SNAPSHOT - 28.11.2008

Spinning around the UK Web


Better searching… on your own computer

You can search your own hard disk using a variety of tools, such as Windows Search or Google Desktop. But now there’s a newcomer, entitled Everything. Is it a match for the current best of breed products?


Every minute counts

In business, every minute counts. Which tools can keep track of the amount of time you and your collaborators spend on a particular project?


Open Sesame!

On a worldwide basis, the most used password is “123456”... Let’s hope your own security is better than this! Just in case, here are some useful password-related websites and tools.


Bargain hunting online

With Christmas approaching, we go shopping for some popular toys and review the major shopping comparison sites to see where the biggest savings can be made. And we find out if the online stores can beat the high street prices.

ABSENTEEISM - 27.11.2008

Is a hangover a genuine reason to be absent?

An employee had a stag weekend and several staff were invited. Come Monday some of them rang in sick. You know that they’re hungover and don’t deserve company sick pay, but how should you play it?

PATERNITY LEAVE - 27.11.2008

Dismissed on paternity leave?

After a disagreement with an employee on paternity leave you decide to dismiss him for insubordination. He now says that as the disagreement was about his paternity leave, the dismissal is automatically unfair. Is he right?


Extra compensation claim?

A former employee says they’re entitled to compensation not only for the financial loss of being dismissed, but also for their reduced earning power which was caused by illness triggered by work. Can you fight this?


Q&A - GP sick notes

CONTRACTS - 27.11.2008

Expenses and the variation of contract terms

You’ve lowered the rate of expenses an employee was eligible for. He wasn’t happy but carried on working anyway. Now, seven months later, he’s resigned and claimed for his unpaid expenses. What’s the position?

RECRUITMENT - 27.11.2008

Must-do CV checks

With research showing that job applicants are quite willing to lie in order to obtain a new job, you need to remain vigilant during all aspects of the recruitment process. So what are the most important checks that you need to make?


A delay to flexible working plans?

You may have heard that the government is delaying extending the right to request flexible working due to the economic downturn. Is this actually the case?


How much for a compromise agreement?

In many situations, compromise agreements can be an employer’s saviour. In return for some money, the employee will agree not to take any legal action over a dispute. But how much money does it take for an employee to sign?

PERSONAL TAX - 20.11.2008

Investment bonds: a tax trap

You have been holding on to an investment bond for some years and until recently it has performed well. Your business needs cash and drawing on the bond seems like a good plan. But what are the tax consequences?

INHERITANCE TAX - 20.11.2008

Giving away property is not easy for IHT

You plan to save Inheritance Tax (IHT) by giving your holiday home to your children but you still want to use it sometimes. You’ve been advised that if you do, the Taxman will still treat it as yours. Is there a cunning plan to foil him?


Taxman wins IR35 battle

Could a recent High Court case regarding employment status affect you? What are the issues and how can you avoid the same problems?


Office cleaners may be subject to special NI rules

Checking the employment status of your workers is a prime target for PAYE inspectors. Even if you take the proper precautions, there can be some unexpected problems in paying your office cleaner. What are they?

NEWS - TAX RETURNS - 20.11.2008

What is “deliberate” avoidance?

HMRC has recently published guidance on errors that will be punished under its new penalty regime. Surprisingly, this includes examples of standard profit extraction methods. Do you now need to take a different approach?


The true cost of shares

NEWS - ALLOWANCES - 20.11.2008

Renovating business premises

You need more space to accommodate your business, but it’s very expensive and time-consuming to relocate. Could that rundown outbuilding next door provide the answer and give you a tax break into the bargain?

VAT - 20.11.2008

VAT treatment of cancellation fees

A customer has placed an order with you and paid a deposit. At the last minute they change their mind and cancel the order. You retain the deposit, but you have already accounted for the VAT on it. Can you get it back?

NEWS - LIFE INSURANCE - 19.11.2008

Do you have sufficient life assurance?

According to a recent survey, only 27% of those questioned had life assurance in place. With premiums at an all-time low should directors be thinking about reviewing what they’ve got covered?

CONSUMER LAW - 19.11.2008

Complain within 14 days or else...

PROPERTY - 19.11.2008

No money to pay the rent?

The company’s cash flow is a bit tight and it might not be able to pay this month’s rent in full. What action could the landlord take and what are the dos and don’ts as far as the directors are concerned?

NEWS - TRAINING - 19.11.2008

Extra funding for staff training

Getting the most from your staff is important at all times but vital when trading conditions are more difficult. Had you thought about improving your own skills to get the best from your workers? If so, help is at hand?


Another way to get your money?

In the prevailing economic conditions, you’ve noticed that customers are taking longer and longer to settle your invoices. Is there an alternative to having to sue them and if so, what are the pitfalls?

NEWS - IDENTITY THEFT - 19.11.2008

How to avoid becoming a victim of ID theft

Last year, concern over identity theft doubled, with good reason. Tens of thousands of businesses have been victim to some kind of ID fraud. What protective measures can you put in place, and are there any disadvantages to them?


Has the Taxman grown more teeth?

Under the old regime it was always known that Customs & Excise inspectors had more powers than their colleagues at the Revenue. But since they’ve joined forces to become “HMRC” do you have more to fear?

COST CUTTING - PPE - 17.11.2008

Does a fleece jacket constitute PPE?

One member of staff has decided that they should be provided with a fleece jacket on the basis that it’s personal protective equipment (PPE). Are they right, and if so, should you supply all your employees with one?


The Health and Safety (Offences) Act

POLICIES & RECORDS - 17.11.2008

First aid needs checklist

First aid training, although vital, is both expensive and time consuming, so you don’t want to go overboard. Why not use our first aid needs checklist to keep control of costs and ensure that you have adequate cover?


When lifting isn’t planned properly

Two companies have been fined a total of £1.2 million following the death of one employee and the serious injury to another, when lifting operations went wrong. What can be learnt from this particular case?

MAINTENANCE - 17.11.2008

What’s hidden behind the plaster?

You’ve employed a contractor to carry out some basic maintenance at your premises, putting up shelves etc. However, before he’ll drill into anything, he’s asked to see wiring diagrams - which you don’t have. What should you do?


Don’t waste money on fees

The government estimates that small businesses are wasting £100m every year on unnecessary health and safety services. What’s to know?


Dealing with “orphaned” gas cylinders

A concerned subscriber contacted us for advice when they unearthed a number of potentially hazardous gas cylinders on a property they’d recently taken over. What’s the best way of dealing with them?

FIRE SAFETY - 17.11.2008

Actually doing the checks would be nice!

You’re convinced that some of your employees have started skipping checks, fire alarm tests etc. Instead, they’re just ticking the appropriate form to say that they’re done. How can you ensure that this doesn’t happen?

SOFTWARE - 14.11.2008

Working with hidden folders and files

Your hard disk contains lots of folders and files that are hidden or which are hard to find. You generally don’t need to worry about them, but it’s good to know which files are located where - when making backups, for example.

REFERENCE WORKS - 14.11.2008

Words explained

ENTERTAINMENT - 14.11.2008

Good city tips

PERSONAL E-MAIL - 14.11.2008

Blogging by e-mail

It sometimes happens that you have no access to a browser or dedicated blogging software for writing and publishing your daily blog posts. But you can forward your posts to your blog via e-mail as well. How do you do that?

WEB SERVICES - 14.11.2008

Print exactly what you want

Do you sometimes print a webpage or a text only to find that you’ve also produced two or three almost empty pages? How can you prevent such waste?

SOFTWARE - 14.11.2008

Open source alternatives for iTunes

Perhaps you like the user-friendliness of the iTunes music software but don’t appreciate the fact that it overtly aims to sell music via the iTunes shop? Here are two good alternatives to iTunes.

BUSINESS - 14.11.2008

Social networking for professionals

Thanks to Facebook, MySpace and Netlog, millions of people worldwide are developing an online circle of friends. It’s time to compare two networks for professional users.

JOBS - 14.11.2008

The UK online job market

With the economic situation hitting the front pages, we’ve brought forward the annual look at the job market. Here’s how it looks…

E-MAIL - 14.11.2008

Business e-mail: an alternative to Outlook

Most professionals use Outlook for their e-mail program. But surely there are alternatives? We check out one that’s been making news.

BUSINESS - 14.11.2008

Planning, collaborating and monitoring

When you’re in business, you can never have enough tools that are both easy to use and free! Following our latest trawl, we discovered a meeting planner, an online workspace and a monitoring tool.

ENTERTAINMENT - 14.11.2008

With a bag of popcorn in front of your computer...

Joost, the online television service, can now be viewed directly in your browser. How good is Joost and are there any alternatives in the field of online television?

HOLIDAYS - 14.11.2008

Christmas and New Year UK breaks

For anyone thinking of staying in the UK during the festive season, we’ve put together a selection of websites - to suit all wallets and tastes. They can help you make the right decision on where to go.

SOFTWARE - 14.11.2008

Reviewing your history

CONTRACTS - 12.11.2008

Working under protest

After notifying an employee that you’ve varied the terms of their contract, they refuse to accept these changes and say they’re working under protest. Can you dismiss them, or do you have to accept the situation? What does the law say?

NEWS - MENTAL HEALTH - 12.11.2008

Workers and mental ill-health


How to get it right

Conducting a disciplinary hearing may seem like a simple process, but many employers are still getting it wrong and this can mean losing at tribunal. So what’s the secret to getting it right?


When can you ask for costs?

If an employee brings a discrimination claim that you think is groundless, can you tell them you’ll seek to recover your legal costs from them in tribunal if you win? What guidance is there for employers from the Court of Appeal?

RECRUITMENT - 12.11.2008

The low-down on job interviews

As the law now protects an increasing number of individuals, what are the key no-go areas when interviewing job applicants? And what could happen if you get it wrong?


Not up to the job?

Any dismissal decision can be difficult to make, but when it’s because the employee simply isn’t “up to it” it’s even harder. So what key points should you consider if you ever find yourself in this unfortunate position?


Contracted competition

An employee is preparing to set up in competition. He’s using non-confidential company information to help him do this, but you don’t have any restrictive covenants in place. What legal steps (if any) can you take to stop him?


IVF treatment and discrimination

One area that’s causing debate is whether women undergoing IVF treatment are protected from sex discrimination and at what point. What’s the latest?


NI directives

NI can be saved by restructuring your employees’ pay. However, HMRC may have something to say about it. So what is at stake and how can you escape the Taxman’s clutches?

VAT - 06.11.2008

Looking after the “input tax” pennies

Paying your VAT bill can have a serious effect on cash flow. However, if your business isn’t claiming all the input VAT it’s entitled to because the “small stuff” is slipping through the gaps, you’re missing out. What’s to know?


Tax returns - what a difference a day makes

We’ve heard on the grapevine that the Taxman is employing new tactics to raise money for the Treasury. Could you be his next target? Read on and find out what you can do to avoid this.


Directors and redundancy payments

A colleague has told you that because of the slowdown in the economy he’s going to have to close down his company. The silver lining is that if he makes himself redundant he can collect £30,000 tax-free. What’s the full story here?

VAT RETURNS - 06.11.2008

Conflicting advice from HMRC

TAX PLANNING - 06.11.2008

Age is no barrier to allowances

The Taxman has sent you a tax code. He says that the higher tax allowance you are entitled to, for those aged over 65, has been reduced, as your income is greater than the limit allowed. Can you sidestep the Taxman’s rules?

COMPANY LAW - 06.11.2008

Simplified procedures

NEWS - TAX PAYMENTS - 06.11.2008

Pay now or pay later?

You are worried that in the current financial crisis you may not be able to access your money when it’s time to pay the Taxman. Don’t panic, just read on.

CAPITAL GAINS TAX - 06.11.2008

Playing the market

The economic slowdown has provoked a rash of share movements. However, if you are tempted to take advantage of a falling market, there is a Capital Gains Tax (CGT) trap for the unwary. How can you avoid it?

DEBT COLLECTION - 05.11.2008

Going back in time to get your money

With customers and clients feeling the pinch, you’re wondering how long you can leave things before the company loses the right to recover old debts? Is there a time limit and what are the dos and don’ts?


An offer that’s too good to be true?

If you’re looking to increase your personal income, you might be tempted by an offer such as “Earn thousands in your own time. No experience required.” Why should you be sceptical of such promises?


Watch what you throw out!

Confidential documents in the wrong hands expose you to many risks, yet research shows that 41% of companies have thrown out financial records. What steps are some following to avoid these dangers?

INSURANCE - 05.11.2008

Don’t overlook the risks of homeworking

If you have employees who work from home, you’ve probably taken care of all the liability and insurance issues. But what if you work from home occasionally? Have you taken all the right precautions?


Sell the Merc to the company?

You run a small Mercedes privately. However, the running costs are starting to hurt. What if you sold it to the company? Could this result in a nasty tax bill?

INSURANCE - 05.11.2008

Question that renewal


Extra protection for your brand

NEWS - BANKING CRISIS - 05.11.2008

Anywhere safe to put your money?

With turbulence in the financial world, keeping hold of your cash seems like a good idea. But finding a safe place for it may be a bit more challenging. What are the easiest ways to protect your money and what if something does go wrong?

DRIVING - 05.11.2008

“Your papers, por favor...”

In the UK there’s no requirement to carry even a photocopy of a driving licence or details of motor insurance. But what about overseas jurisdictions? What guidelines should you follow on your next business trip?

NEWS - CLIMATE CHANGE - 03.11.2008

New government department for climate change

You’ve heard that the government has created a new department which is dedicated to addressing energy and climate change issues. What are its aims and could it have an impact on your business?


It’s a shocker

The HSE has recently prosecuted an NHS Trust following an accident in which an employee received an electric shock. How did the accident happen and what control measures should have been in place?

NEWS - RECYCLING - 03.11.2008

Reverse vending machines

Many cans and bottles end up in landfill because traditional collection and recycling schemes are just not cost-effective. However, you’ve heard of a new option: reverse vending. Is this the solution you’ve been looking for?

NEWS - DRIVING - 03.11.2008

Eco-safe driving tests

Since September 10 2008, the Driving Standards Agency has incorporated eco-safe motoring into the driving test. What exactly is it, and is it something that you may wish to encourage existing company car drivers to do?


Bugs to kill a weed

WATER SAVING - 03.11.2008

23 million litres a day down the drain

If you really want to shoot your green credentials squarely in the foot, try doing something that’s blatantly bad for the environment. Such as?


EPC deadline extended

NEWS - WASTE - 03.11.2008

How to make a skip cost £1,200 instead of £120

One of our subscribers got a nasty shock when the bill for a skip they’d been filling with general waste came in at £1,200, not the £120 they’d been expecting. Why did it cost so much more, and could the price hike have been avoided?

POLLUTION - 03.11.2008

Biodegradable - what does it actually mean?

Many products are labelled “biodegradable” which can give a false sense of security when it comes to pollution issues. What advice has our mole at the Environment Agency (EA) got on the subject?

WASTE - 03.11.2008

Complying with paperwork

If you have written permission from the Environment Agency (EA) to burn certain types of waste, deviating from the list of acceptable materials could be expensive. What has a recent case highlighted?

NEWS - SCAFFOLDING - 03.11.2008

Standards expected in scaffolding

Following a number of high-profile accidents involving scaffolding, the HSE has made its position clear on the standards it expects by producing a checklist. What’s on it and how might it affect you?

LONE WORKING - 03.11.2008

Last man standing

One of your employees chooses to work late regularly; however, they’ve heard that perhaps they shouldn’t because of “health and safety”. Are their concerns justified and if so, how should you deal with this situation?

NEWS - ENFORCEMENT - 03.11.2008

Yet another construction blitz

FIRE SAFETY - SIGNAGE - 03.11.2008

Q&A - what size should emergency signs be?

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