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2013 - March


How does Google “see” your site?

SOFTWARE - MUSIC - 28.03.2013

Sharing music in iTunes or Windows Media Player

You can stream music using a wireless network and make it available in several places, for instance at home, in your shop, waiting room and workshop. How exactly do you do this in iTunes and Windows Media Player?


Protect yourself against keyloggers

Do you use strong passwords which are different for every site you’ve registered with? Excellent! However, even then you may run the risk of a “keylogger” intercepting your password. How do you protect yourself?


Sharing photos and videos… only once

You may want to stop friends and family circulating your photos or videos on the Internet. Fortunately, there are apps which let you send those which the recipients can only view once.


Searching your own computer efficiently

Do you want to locate a file or folder on your own hard disk? The integrated options in Windows will do for basic searching, but there’s better around. What are the alternatives?


Piktochart: say it in pictures

“A picture tells a thousand words” - it’s a cliché, but it’s true. Piktochart helps you to create attractive and informative “infographics”. We put this cloud tool to the test.


“Dropbox for Teams” revamped

Dropbox is a very handy online service that allows you to exchange files between different devices and share them with other users. This service has recently been focusing on businesses. Is this useful?

SOFTWARE - WINDOWS - 28.03.2013

The best boot disks for your computer

If your computer works as it should, you may never need a “boot disk”. But such a disk can be a life-saver if your computer no longer starts up as expected. How do you make such a boot disk, and what software do you need?

E-MAIL - SPAM - 28.03.2013

Less spam in five steps

Is your mailbox still flooded by spam? Our five-step plan can help you get rid of unwanted e-mails.

SOFTWARE - BROWSER - 28.03.2013

IE10 for Windows 7… at last

TRANSPORT - MAPS & ROUTES - 28.03.2013

Making the most of Google Maps

Google Maps remains the most versatile maps service, not only on your computer, but also on your smartphone or tablet. Here are some tips for making more of the website and the app.

BUSINESS - JOBS - 28.03.2013

All about the job market

Jobseekers and recruiters are two of the most active groups on the Internet. We take a look at sites that can help both to improve their chances.


Setting up a (web)shop

Are you thinking of selling your products via the Internet? We tested two cloud services that can help you: GetShop and Volusion.

RIGHT TO WORK - 26.03.2013

right to work: a new online checker

STAFF BENEFITS - 26.03.2013

Don’t pour our milk on your breakfast!

One employer recently hit the headlines after it ruled that the milk it provides is “for tea and coffee only and must not be poured on employees’ breakfasts”. Could it have gone even further and withdrawn supplies altogether?

CAREER BREAKS - 26.03.2013

Career breaks: what must you always do?

Employees have no statutory right to take a career break - it’s a matter of agreement between them and their employer. But, as a recent ruling shows, you should always do two things to protect yourself. What are they?


I’m sick today, but I could work from home

Let’s suppose that an employee has telephoned in saying they feel a bit under the weather. However, rather than going off sick, they’re offering to work from home which would mean they still get full pay. Do you have to say “yes”?

REDUNDANCY - 26.03.2013

Calculating redundancy pay for older workers

These days, many employers have older employees who are in their late 60s and early 70s. If you need to make one, or more, of them redundant how do you calculate their statutory redundancy payment (SRP)?


Previous written warnings and dismissal decisions

Sometimes, an employee who is facing disciplinary action will already have a written warning on their personnel file. Are you allowed to take it into account when deciding whether or not to dismiss them?

DRUG ABUSE - 26.03.2013

The nasty consequences of a positive drugs test

In a recent case, the employee had been required to undergo a drugs test following an anonymous tip-off. When the result came back positive, she was sacked. However, the tribunal has ruled that her dismissal was unfair. Why?


Flexible working: what do you think?

When the government extends flexible working to all employees it also plans to scrap the current statutory procedure and replace it with a new code of practice. How can you have your say on this proposal?


Ebooks competition is hotting up

Sainsburys has a new ebook site that’s part of a strategy to compete with Amazon. Here are sites to help you choose hardware and the ebooks themselves.

WEB SERVICES - VIDEO - 19.03.2013

Multiple choice in YouTube


SEO - four mistakes to avoid

In order to make your website stand out in the Google search results, you can apply various search engine optimisation (SEO) tricks. Many people make mistakes, don’t be one of them!


Electronic payments at your webshop

Can customers pay via bank transfer at your webshop? This may be daunting for users, plus it’s slow - you have to wait for the money to arrive before you can deliver the goods. How can you also offer PayPal and credit card payments?


Planning via mindmapping

Mindmapping is popular for project planning. In the mindmapping process, the information is displayed in a neat, graphical way. Can the simple MySimpleSurface assist you?


A good alternative to Live Mesh?

We previously reviewed Live Mesh, a Microsoft program which allowed you to synchronise folders between computers without a cloud service. Unfortunately, Live Mesh no longer exists. What are the alternatives?

SOFTWARE - BROWSER - 19.03.2013

How do I disable Java in my browser(s)?

For years now, Java has proven to be a weak spot in the security of most web browsers. The general advice is therefore to use Java as little as possible, if at all. How do you achieve this?

SOFTWARE - WINDOWS - 19.03.2013

Alternative start menus for Windows 8

Do you have a new computer equipped with Windows 8, or have you upgraded recently? If you can’t get used to the new “Metro” interface, an alternative start menu might be welcome. What options do you have?


Sharing documents and assigning tasks

Alfresco has become a popular online collaboration tool for sharing documents. You can also link tasks to these documents. To what extent is this useful for your business?

E-MAIL - WEBMAIL - 19.03.2013

A new look for Yahoo! Mail

Yahoo! Mail remains popular, in spite of several shortcomings: a messy layout, slow and unwieldy… It has now finally been given a makeover. Is this enough to catch up with competitors Gmail and


Is Microsoft 365 something for you?

Microsoft recently launched the official version of Office 365, a subscription-based formula of its popular Office software. How useful is this for home or business use?


Working more efficiently with notifications

If you own an iPad or iPhone, you will probably be familiar with the “notifications”: messages appearing on the screen when there’s a new incoming e-mail or when you’ve missed a call. How do you configure them?


Posting commercial offers on Facebook

FINANCE - 19.03.2013

Spotlight on interest swaps

COST CUTTING - 19.03.2013

A cheaper alternative to medical insurance?

One of your fellow directors has suggested switching the company’s medical insurance for a “health cash plan”, principally to reduce costs. What are the pros and cons of these schemes and are they really a substitute?

PERSONNEL - 19.03.2013

An out of the blue resignation

At the end of a board meeting a fellow director announces that she intends to resign. It’s a bit of a shock, but there are compelling personal reasons behind her decision. How should the matter be handled from here?

PAYE - 19.03.2013

RTI - are directors a special case?

Under Real Time Information (RTI) details of salary etc. must be reported to HMRC no later than the date of payment, but for directors this can be tricky to pinpoint. What steps can you take to ensure you aren’t caught out by the new rules?

FRANCHISING - 19.03.2013

Franchise agreements and non-competition clauses

The directors are considering entering into a franchise agreement. However, it contains a clause that seeks to restrict the company’s activities for twelve months post-termination. Can this be ignored or is it enforceable?

DEBT RECOVERY - 19.03.2013

Small claims court limit to double in size

Sometimes, directors must take court action to recover money that the company is owed. On April 1 2013, the Small Claims Court (SCC) limit will rise from £5,000 to £10,000. Is this a help or a hindrance to debt recovery?

DIRECTORS’ TAX - 19.03.2013

Breaking up is hard to do - for directors

In case of a break up where both you and your spouse own shares in your company, you’ll need to act fast to avoid a potentially huge tax bill. What’s the problem and how can you dodge it?

COMPANY LAW - 19.03.2013

A simplified Companies Act 2006?

The government recently announced the interim findings of its Company and Commercial Law Red Tape Challenge. So what’s on the cards and why is it good news for directors?

INVESTMENTS - 18.03.2013

EIS rate

CAPITAL GAINS TAX - 18.03.2013

End of tax year CGT planning for couples

Years ago you could lower your Capital Gains Tax bill by selling shares one day and buying them back the next. This so-called “bed and breakfasting” (B&B) was so effective that HMRC blocked it, but is there a safe way around it?

PENSIONS - 18.03.2013

Pension liberation - a sure fire way to lose your money

HMRC and other organisations have recently issued warnings about unscrupulous companies offering early access to pension savings. The penalties for this can mean losing most of your pension fund. What’s the full story?

CHILD BENEFIT - 18.03.2013

Still time left to reduce Child Benefit tax?

The tax charge relating to Child Benefit came into force on January 7. There’s still time to reduce this for the current tax year, but might you be better off waiting until after April 5?


HMRC to investigate property sales

Later this year HMRC will begin checking all residential property sales with a view to collecting tax on undeclared gains. What exactly will it be looking for?


Is a return of capital from your company taxable?

HMRC has recently published its view on the tax treatment of payments made to shareholders after a company’s share capital has been reduced. Does this provide you with a chance for tax-free cash?

VAT - 18.03.2013

Sales trips - maximising your VAT recovery

As the sales director you’re out on the road a lot meeting and greeting existing and potential customers, and spending a packet in the process. But how much of the VAT on these costs will HMRC allow you to reclaim?

PENALTIES - 18.03.2013

When can you defer a penalty?

The tribunal recently considered a claim by a taxpayer to suspend a self-assessment penalty. HMRC had refused this, but the tribunal decided it had acted wrongly in doing so. In what situations can you suspend a penalty?


Further corporate manslaughter cases

RISK ASSESSMENT - 15.03.2013

Keep risks in perspective

WORKPLACE - 15.03.2013

Using the right wall fixings

When you’re looking for the screws or bolts to mount a shelf, rail or piece of equipment, getting it right is not as easy as you might think. A recent case shows the potential safety implications of making the wrong choice.

ASBESTOS - 15.03.2013

Taking asbestos through buildings

The HSE has concerns about the way in which many asbestos removal works are being carried out. What should you do to ensure the safety of such work, if it takes place at your premises?


Managing your sub-contractors

If your work involves construction or maintenance contracting, then chances are you employ sub-contractors. By implementing our new policy, you can ensure that their standards of work meet the mark. What’s covered?


Fined for not protecting a walkway

The operators of Warwick Castle, Merlin Attractions, recently appealed against a £350,000 fine. Why such a large fine, what was the result of the appeal and what can be learned from this case?

PPE - 15.03.2013

Should you consider PPE vending machines?

Your personal protective equipment (PPE) supplier has offered you a vending machine to supply items to your workforce. Are they worth a look and, if so, are there issues that you need to consider first?


Can oxygen be dangerous?

A new guidance leaflet on oxygen has just been published. What kinds of danger have been highlighted and what should you do if you use oxygen in the workplace?

FIRST AID - 15.03.2013

First aid regulations to be updated

The HSE has published draft guidance documents that reflect proposed changes to the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. What’s to know?


Ban mobile phones from meetings

SICK PAY - 11.03.2013

No more pay for the first three days of sickness

Some employers pay their staff in full during the first three days of any sickness absence, only stopping once SSP kicks-in. However, this type of practice can encourage sickies and increase your costs. So how can it be ended?


£59,000 and a slice of humble pie

In a recent case an employee was dismissed for failing to follow a management instruction. However, the tribunal felt that this decision was unfair and awarded him £59,315. What did the employer do wrong?


Disciplinary sanctions: is a transfer an option?

Let’s suppose that a usually good key employee has committed serious, or gross, misconduct. Rather than dismiss, it would make more business sense to transfer them to your other premises. Would such a move be legal?


Can you insist that male employees shave?

One of your male employees turns up clean-shaven on a Monday, but then grows stubble for the rest of the week. You think that this fashionable look is unprofessional, but can you insist that he’s always fresh-faced for work?


Settlement agreements: speak up now

Later this year, compromise agreements will be renamed settlement agreements. At the same time, a new ACAS code of practice will be issued. However, its first draft has one big problem. What is it and what can you do?

PAYROLL - 11.03.2013

Real Time Information: have you got the vital bits?

Under HMRC’s new PAYE “Real Time Information” reporting system, employers will have to supply certain information about every employee. So what data is required and how can you make sure that it’s 100% accurate?

RECRUITMENT - 11.03.2013

Safe sift of your shortlist

When Costa Coffee advertised eight new jobs, it received over 1,700 applications. How can you sift the “undesirables” without risking a discrimination claim?


Monitor your online reputation

Consumers are constantly discussing companies, products, brands, etc. on social networks and Internet forums. There are dedicated monitoring tools which allow you to pick up messages about yourself as well as your competitors. Useful?


Internet dangers: true or false?

The dangers of the Internet are often the subject of claims which lots of people believe to be true - about passwords, viruses, malware, etc. Are they true or false?


Selling things on eBay

Do you have lots of things lying about which you will never use any more? Or did you receive a number of unwanted gifts for your birthday? You can sell them easily on eBay. How exactly?


Twitter + video?

COMPUTER - HARDWARE - 08.03.2013

Take good care of your laptop battery

WEB SERVICES - VIDEO - 08.03.2013

Tips for your company videos

Lots of businesses turn to video material nowadays to present or recommend their products and services. An excellent idea, but what guidelines should you apply to create good company videos? Here’s our checklist.


Looking for objective user information?

Before buying something, you will probably google the product. However, does this produce objective user information? Maxperience has become a reference for product reviews. How useful is this site? And are there any alternatives?


Good camera filter apps for your smartphone

The free Instagram app lets you make your photos more attractive by applying loads of filters. Instagram is the best-known “filter app”, but certainly not the only one. What are other good alternatives?

SOFTWARE - E-MAIL - 08.03.2013

Configuring an address in Outlook

Can you use your e-mail account in Outlook, and if “yes”, how do you configure this? The answer to this question isn’t as simple as it may, at first, seem.


A new look at project management

There are dozens of web services which allow businesspeople to manage and monitor projects online. Newcomer Volerro wants to make the difference. Does it succeed?

COMPUTER - HARDWARE - 08.03.2013

Switching to SSD: how to transfer Windows

SSD disks are becoming increasingly popular: they are fast, silent and shockproof, and they consume less energy than traditional hard drives. Plus the prices are falling... Still, you should be careful when installing Windows on an SSD.

E-MAIL - E-MAIL USE - 08.03.2013

Sending ready made e-mail replies

Do you receive the same e-mail questions about your products or services? You can save a lot of time by setting standard replies. Let’s see how to do this in Outlook and Gmail.

CONSUMER - ENERGY - 08.03.2013

Energy complaints rise! What to do?

There are 15,000 complaints about major energy suppliers per day. We look at the facts, the options and the potential problems of changing supplier.

CHANGE OF USE - 05.03.2013

Asset use change

It’s common to purchase an asset intending to use it for one purpose but circumstances and the intention change before you actually start using it. So will this affect the input tax recovery?

VAT LEGISLATION - 05.03.2013

Cases roundup

BAD DEBT RELIEF - 05.03.2013

What happens if you don’t pay a supplier?

If a business doesn’t pay its suppliers (for whatever reason) it will need to adjust the amount of input VAT that it claimed. But how does this work and what are the time limits for doing so?

REGISTRATION - 05.03.2013

Beware the pitfalls of de-registration

If turnover is falling and you have the opportunity to de-register for VAT there are many advantages - but there are pitfalls to consider too. What are the principal ones to look out for?

PENALTIES - 05.03.2013

Ways to save a penalty

If you make a mistake on your VAT return the VATman can impose a penalty of up to 100% of the tax due. But are there ways of having such a penalty reduced or suspended?

INPUT VAT - PRINTING - 05.03.2013

Cut the costs of printing

Even in this digital age, printing can represent a large cost for many organisations. So are there ways to reduce these costs by making sure your business doesn’t pay any unnecessary VAT?

EXEMPTIONS - 05.03.2013

Cost-sharing exempt?

A new cost-sharing exemption applies to two or more organisations that form a co-operative to purchase in bulk. What’s to know?

TAX AVOIDANCE - 05.03.2013

What must you disclose to HMRC?

The long awaited judgment in the Prudential tax avoidance case was handed down recently. The Supreme Court ruled that advice from accountants wasn’t subject to legal advice privilege. How might this affect you in practice?


Rate band correction


Don’t blow your annual IHT allowance on the young

It’s nice to be generous, especially if, as a side effect, your estate will pay less in Inheritance Tax. Giving to the youngsters in your family might do the trick, but can you stop them from blowing the cash without scuppering the tax advantage?

VAT - 05.03.2013

Bad debt relief for 100% of what you’re owed

You must account for the full amount of VAT on sales even if your customer only pays part of your bill. Eventually you can claim the VAT back. But what’s your position where your invoice relates entirely to VAT?

EXPENSES - 05.03.2013

Tax deductible personal expenses

Payments you receive from your company are usually liable to income tax unless they are to reimburse you for business expenses you’ve paid personally. However, there’s an exception. What is this and how does it work?

BENEFITS - 05.03.2013

Protecting your income the tax-free way

Protecting your income with insurance can be expensive. You could get your company to pay, but this triggers a tax bill either on the cost of the premium or instead when the policy pays out. Can you legitimately avoid both these situations?

LOANS - 05.03.2013

Higher taxes for social lenders

Social lending continues to grow in popularity. This isn’t surprising considering the paltry interest rate currently paid by banks. But there’s a little known tax trap that could make a dent in your return. What is this?


HMRC picks new targets to investigate

Four new HMRC task forces have been set up. Three will investigate businesses, but one will look at repayment fraud. Who are these aimed at?

SCAMS - 05.03.2013

Warning for all VCT owners

PPE - 01.03.2013

Dodgy helmets

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