All Domains

2013 - November


Time limit for unfair dismissal claims extended?

We recently advised you that unfair dismissal claims must be brought within three months of the termination of employment. However, one employee has just been given a six-week extension. Has the rule been changed?

MATERNITY PAY - 29.11.2013

Guess what? I’m pregnant again!

You’ve just been contacted by an employee who is currently on maternity leave. Rather than confirming her anticipated return-to-work date, she’s told you that she’s pregnant again. Will she be entitled to SMP next time around?


Must they tell you if they’ve been signed-off work?

Whilst some employees will do anything to get signed-off work by their GP, others are reluctant to reveal that this has happened (usually because of financial worries). Do you have the right to be told?

E-mail & Internet - 29.11.2013

eBaying their stuff in your time

It has come to your attention that one of your employees is selling numerous items on eBay. Trouble is, they’re constantly checking their eBay account for bids and queries during working time. How can you stop this?


Prepare now for winter weather (and skivers)

We may be in for some tough weather conditions over the forthcoming winter months. As this could easily mean severe disruption for employers, what can you do now to prepare?


Code of Practice to be amended

Acas has confirmed that it will amend its Code of Practice on Discipline and Grievance Procedures because part of it is wrong. What do you need to know?


Can a parking space be a reasonable adjustment?

When an employer refused to allocate a parking space to a disabled employee, she successfully argued that it had failed to make a reasonable adjustment for her. Does this case set a helpful precedent for all disabled employees?


Revised ISO 14001 on the horizon

The International Standards Organisation is about to launch a draft consultation on a new version of the environmental management standard 14001. What changes are planned and what do you need to be aware of?

WASTE - 29.11.2013

New waste standard

FLOODING - 29.11.2013

Heightened risk of flooding this winter

The Environment Agency (EA) has urged businesses and homeowners to prepare for flooding this season as wet and windy weather looks set to continue. What should you be doing?

TRAINING - 29.11.2013

New environmental training courses available

City & Guilds and the Institute of Environment Management and Assessment have developed new training courses to help businesses cut their environmental impact and make their staff think “green”. Are they worth a look?

ENFORCEMENT - 29.11.2013

Job cuts at the Environment Agency

As a result of government-led budget cuts, the Environment Agency (EA) is shedding 1,700 jobs. How might you be affected by this?

WEEE - 29.11.2013

Recycling like rabbits

Environmental schemes can encourage loyalty from your customers, but one recent example shows you have to be careful what you commit to. What should you be aware of?

FLORA AND FAUNA - 29.11.2013

What to do with leaf litter

You may have heard that the Environment Agency (EA) has imposed strict rules on how leaf litter should be dealt with. Is this really the case and, if so, how might this apply to your business?


CRC - second phase update

If you’re participating in the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) Energy Efficiency Scheme, you will need to take action to assess compliance requirements for the second phase. What else do you need to do?

VAT - 27.11.2013

VAT on fuel - all change for 2014

The VAT rules that apply where your business pays for fuel used for business and personal journeys are changing soon. Most businesses will need to revise their procedures; what will this involve?


Two possible NI breaks for employers

The final touches have only just been made to the NI employment allowance. Now there’s talk of another NI break for employers. What’s the full story?

INHERITANCE TAX - 27.11.2013

Record keeping - the vital element to saving IHT

Giving away your wealth is the simplest way to reduce the inheritance tax (IHT) bill on your estate. But what records should you keep now to ensure that when the time comes it’s easy for your executors to prove that the gifts are exempt?

SELLING A COMPANY - 27.11.2013

A slow, but tax-efficient, way to sell your shares

You’re retiring soon and your fellow shareholders want to buy you out. The trouble is they don’t have the cash and paying you in dribs and drabs will cost you extra tax. How can you get your money out tax efficiently?

PAYE - 27.11.2013

RTI - unexplained bills and overpayments

HMRC says that its RTI program is working well, yet many employers are reporting discrepancies in their PAYE account. If these aren’t resolved it might lead to penalties. What steps can you take to put matters right?

EXPENSES - 27.11.2013

Travel and meal expenses - how much can you pay?

Your employees’ subsistence expenses claims have been getting out of hand so you want to set a fixed rate. The figure you have in mind is higher than HMRC’s suggested amount; does this mean PAYE tax and NI are due on the excess?


The problem with CAs and rented business premises

A tax inspector refused one of our subscribers a deduction for the cost of equipment in their premises. He said because the property was rented the assets belonged to the landlord so the tenant couldn’t claim for them. Was he correct?

PROPERTY - 27.11.2013

Property: can you rely on the seller’s say-so?

You have found some premises for sale that, with a few alterations, would meet your company’s needs perfectly. The seller has given a verbal assurance that it already has the required planning permission. Can you rely on this?

PERSONNEL - 27.11.2013

Alcohol misuse: is it grounds for dismissal?

It’s come to your attention that a member of your team has been “hitting the bottle” and they are now struggling to control their alcohol consumption. Does this fact alone give the company grounds for dismissal?

COST CUTTING - 27.11.2013

Cut the cost of meeting clients


Tax-efficient joint ventures with your company

You’ve spotted a one-off business opportunity that could make you a decent profit. The trouble is you don’t have the resources to take advantage of it, but your company does. How can you structure the deal tax efficiently?

DIRECTORS’ DUTIES - 27.11.2013

Shadow directors: their duties and obligations

If an individual, such as your spouse or a consultant, regularly helps out with the running of the company, they may be held to be a shadow director. If this happens, just how far do their legal duties and obligations extend?

COMPANY LAW - 27.11.2013

Do you have enough profit to pay dividends?

Dividends are the most tax and NI-efficient way to take income from your company. The trouble is they can only be paid when your company has sufficient profits. But how do you work this out?

BENEFITS IN KIND - 27.11.2013

A Christmas present from HMRC

You and some of your staff have received early Christmas presents from clients; one or two of them look quite expensive. A colleague says that you might need to declare the gifts as income on your tax return, are they correct?


Digipass for your favourite websites

E-MAIL - E-MAIL USE - 22.11.2013

Are your e-mails read?

Since it was revealed that the US is intercepting e-mails in large numbers, you may be wondering what is happening with your e-mails. To what extent can “e-mail tracking tools” tell you whether your e-mails are read?


Google Drive on your smartphone

On your smartphone, you can access Google Drive through the official app, but there are lots of other apps offering this facility. Which ones can we recommend?

COMPUTER - MONITOR - 22.11.2013

Improve the image quality of your screen

You are probably spending several hours in front of your computer or laptop monitor every day. Which tools can you use to adjust the brightness, contrast and colours of your screen?


Make the most of your Facebook posts


Searching more efficiently with Google

When you want to find something on the web, you probably turn to Google. Here are some additional tips and tricks which will make your searches even more efficient.

SECURITY - BACKUP - 22.11.2013

Your smartphone also deserves a backup

Your smartphone might contain loads of photos, music and (sensitive) personal information which you don’t want to lose. How do you make a backup of your device?


Reduce consumption, save money

The Streetbank community site has been revamped and such sites are thriving. It’s just one example where collaboration can save money.

E-MAIL - E-MAIL SOFTWARE - 22.11.2013

Alternative e-mail programs

Many people are using webmail services these days, but there are still excellent e-mail applications for the desktop. We put two less well-known programs to the test.


Chat with your customers

If you aim to give your customers maximum support, why not offer a chat function in addition to traditional contact methods? The cloud tool Olark can help you. We put it to the test.

WEB SERVICES - VIDEO - 22.11.2013

Watching videos more efficiently in YouTube

If you regularly use YouTube for watching videos, here are some simple tricks which let you do this even more efficiently. And you don’t even need to install anything!

SOFTWARE - APPS - 22.11.2013

Microsoft apps for iOS and Android

Although Microsoft has introduced its own Windows Phone system, it also offers a number of free apps for iOS and Android devices. Here are some of the most useful ones.


Create interactive intranet pages

The web service Papyrs helps you and your colleagues to create interactive webpages for internal use in your business. We tested all the possibilities this service offers.

CONSTRUCTION - 22.11.2013

Client shared blame for trench collapse death

In September 2010 a construction worker was killed when the side of an excavation collapsed. At the recent trial, why were the owners of the development implicated alongside the construction contractor?

CDM - 22.11.2013

How the construction industry will be regulated

Reports based on the HSE’s September board meeting provide an insight into how the new Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM) will look and when they will come into force. What is likely to change?

WORKPLACE - 22.11.2013

School sued by boy hurt in fight

The Court of Appeal recently considered whether a child was due compensation for an injury sustained while trying to punch his brother. Did common sense prevail?

STATISTICS - 22.11.2013

What do the numbers say?

The HSE has published its latest statistics on accidents at work, cases of ill health/disease and enforcement activities. How do the numbers stack up and how might you be affected by them?

RISK ASSESSMENT - 22.11.2013

How to complete a risk assessment

You’ve been given the job of completing risk assessments for your business. However, you have no idea where to start or what you should be writing down. Is there a standard method?

PPE - 22.11.2013

Do your staff need ballistic trousers?

One of your workers has said that because he handles bags of waste you should provide him with ballistic trousers to reduce the risk of injury. What are these trousers and are they a necessary precaution?

DSE - 22.11.2013

Sitting comfortably?

ENFORCEMENT - 22.11.2013

Paying for inspections

The HSE’s fee for intervention (FFI) charging scheme has been in place for just over a year. How has it been used and are there ways of avoiding a large bill?


Dress and appearance: one important rule

One major employer recently came under fire for issuing a five-page list of guidelines to its female employees on its standards of dress and behaviour. There’s nothing wrong with having rules, but where did it go wrong?

OVERTIME - 19.11.2013

Q&A - can we demand overtime?


Early conciliation by Acas: it’s official


Hello to Bulgaria and Romania

On 1 January 2014, the work restrictions currently imposed on Bulgarian and Romanian nationals will be lifted. How can you be sure that a job applicant from one of those countries has the right to work here?

RECRUITMENT - 19.11.2013

Can you reject a job applicant if they smoke?

Apparently, many employers regret hiring an employee who is a smoker and wish they had known about their habit in advance. Can you ask for this information during recruitment and refuse employment on these grounds?

BONUSES - 19.11.2013

A discretionary Christmas bonus

Let’s suppose that you want to pay a small Christmas bonus to thank employees for all their hard work this year. Even though it’s intended to be a one-off discretionary payment, what must you do to protect yourself?


Constructive dismissal: what’s the correct test?

If an employer commits a serious breach of contract, the employee can resign and claim constructive dismissal. However, in order to succeed at the tribunal, must that breach be the root cause of the employee’s resignation?

RESIGNATIONS - 19.11.2013

Dithering over a resignation

An employee has been talking about resigning for a couple of months now but has yet to take the plunge. Apart from the fact it’s unsettling for the team, you want to know where you stand. How should you play it?


Please speak English only!

A Polish employee, who was told by her employer not to speak using her first language, has just been awarded £7,000 by the tribunal. Does this ruling mean you can’t insist on English-only in your workplace?

TAX RETURNS - 13.11.2013

When should you use the tax return white space?

The final deadline for completing your 2012/13 tax return is approaching and you have most of the figures ready. But one transaction is giving you trouble and you’re not sure what to declare. What should you tell HMRC?


HMRC’s new approach to record checks

HMRC says it’s scaling down business record checks in the North. But if you’re outside this area, how can you avoid a visit from the Taxman?

VAT - 13.11.2013

New companies - maximising your VAT claim

You’re transferring your business to your new company which will then register for VAT. The company will take over the current business lock, stock and barrel, but does that entitle it to reclaim VAT on purchases made by the old business?


Tax codes adjusted to collect NI contributions


Is sharing income with your spouse tax abuse?

The tax general anti-abuse rule (GAAR) became law this summer, and there have been rumblings that HMRC will use this to attack income shifting between spouses. Should you be concerned about this?

INVESTMENTS - 13.11.2013

Mortgage or ISA - which can save you more tax?

ISAs are the UK’s most popular way to save tax free. They are simple to set up and provide easy access to your money. But if you also have a home loan, can you use this to obtain greater tax savings?


Dodging pension contribution limits

You want to pay a sizeable amount into your pension, but the rules say you’re only allowed to contribute up to the level of your earnings. As you take most of your income as dividends, how will this limit your pension contributions?


Can you claim capital allowances for a building?

Last year you spent over £2,000 on an outside shelter for employees who smoke. However, your accountant is reluctant to claim a tax deduction for this. Why, and what can you do to change his mind?

CORPORATION TAX - 13.11.2013

Tax-efficient charity donations for the company

The directors have heard that, if they get things right, the company can offset any financial support given to a charity against its corporation tax bill. What’s the most efficient way to do this?

COMPANIES HOUSE - 13.11.2013

At last, real cuts in admin for directors


Time your expenses right or pay extra tax and NI

You might not think twice about paying company expenses from your own pocket and claiming a tax deduction for these. But, if you want reimbursing, it could land your company with extra tax. Is there a more tax-efficient alternative?

COST CUTTING - 13.11.2013

Low cost business meetings on the move

Getting key employees in one place for a business meeting, or finding a suitable spot to meet clients while on the move, can be tricky to organise and expensive. Could the nearest local motorway service area be the answer?


Share your shares to save some tax

If you’re selling your company, the tax rate you’ll pay on the gain will be at the special rate of 10%. But, if you’re feeling generous, by including other family members in the deal you can cut the tax bill. How is it done?

INVOICING - 13.11.2013

Raising “forgotten” invoices

According to new research, many smaller companies have forgotten to submit an invoice on at least one occasion. If the directors discover this has happened, what’s the cut-off date for presenting bills?


A two-tier sick pay system

Many companies pay employees statutory sick pay only during periods of sickness absence. But could you opt to pay directors and managers who are incapacitated their full salary instead, or would that be a no-no?


Converting documents

WEB SERVICES - VIDEO - 08.11.2013

Watching videos together


Online reservations to make life easier

Is your work often interrupted by customers calling or e-mailing you to make an appointment? Why not use a web-based module which allows them to fix a meeting themselves via the Internet?

E-MAIL - E-MAIL USE - 08.11.2013

Give your VIPs a VIP treatment

You definitely don’t want to overlook e-mails from important contacts. How do you make sure that these messages aren’t swamped by other, less important, e-mails in your inbox?

SOFTWARE - UPDATES - 08.11.2013

Keep your Windows programs up to date

It’s always best to use the newest versions of all your programs. However, it’s not easy to keep track of the latest updates. Here are some tools that can help you.


The dos and don’ts of e-mailings

Various factors determine the success of your commercial e-mailings and newsletters, but there are also some pitfalls. Here are the dos and don’ts of e-mailings.

TRANSPORT - MAPS & ROUTES - 08.11.2013

Planning a route in Google Maps


Sharing files between mobile devices

Sharing a photo or file between your own smartphone and those of your friends and colleagues should be simple, but this often isn’t the case at all. What are the solutions?

COMPUTER - HARDWARE - 08.11.2013

Is my computer or smartphone ready to be sold?

Has the time come to buy a new computer, smartphone or tablet? How do you prepare your old device for the second-hand market, in its original state and without your personal data?


Surfing faster through alternative DNS servers?

If you use a public DNS service, such as OpenDNS or Public DNS, you don’t have to use your own provider’s DNS server. How do you use an alternative, and is it always better or faster?


Sync your favourites

People generally store interesting websites as bookmarks or favourites in their browser. The new web-based tool FavSync aims to help you organise these bookmarks.


Texting… the cheap way

Do you send dozens of text messages via your smartphone every day? There are lots of methods and apps that mean you pay (almost) nothing for your messages, even to contacts abroad. How?


A visual timeline for your project

Are you planning an open house, the redecoration of your business or the launch of new product? In all these cases, it can be useful to chart such a “project” on a timeline. That’s exactly what the new Brevado intends to do.

BUSINESS - CONSUMER - 08.11.2013

Gifts for everyone

With Christmas just over five weeks away, it’s time to start thinking about gifts. Whether it’s for corporate clients, your loved ones or friends, there’s a site for you.

HMRC POWERS - 08.11.2013

Can the VATman tell you what records to keep?

If the VATman thinks your record keeping is poor he can direct you to keep exactly what he wants, but how likely is this to happen and what does he have to make you do?


ADR starts - worth a try?

After two years of trials the VATman has now introduced his alternative dispute resolution system nationwide. But could it help you?


Claim the VAT back on your iPad?

Many businesses and individuals buy tablet computers such as iPads for work purposes. But can you claim the VAT back and what do you have to do to keep the VATman happy?

VAT RETURNS - ERRORS - 08.11.2013

How VAT errors affect other taxes

If your business makes an error in its VAT accounting, did you know that this can have a knock-on effect on other taxes, meaning that they have to be adjusted as well? When could this arise?

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