All Domains

2019 - April

SPREADSHEETS - 30.04.2019

Using macros for Text to Columns

You receive a spreadsheet from sales every day with new customer details. This includes two data fields in the same column. What’s the quickest way in Excel to split these out?


Is your van a car?

In March 2019 the Upper Tribunal upheld two differing decisions over “combi” vans provided to employees for private use. Could this affect your company vans?

COMPANY LAW - 30.04.2019

Should your company convert to a PLC?

One of your competitors has become a PLC and your customers are impressed. But the company isn’t listed on a stock market and the only thing that seems to have changed is their stationery. Is this something you should be considering?

PRICING - 30.04.2019

Effectively managing price increases

The directors have decided that the company needs to increase its prices to stay profitable. What’s the best way to implement increases without upsetting and potentially losing customers?


Project changes of scope

Your company is planning a change management initiative intended to streamline its operating processes. The directors have asked you to ensure that the project stays within budget. How could this be achieved?


Is your job description up to scratch?

Your HR manager has been auditing the personnel files and discovered that there isn’t a job description for your role. You’ve been asked to draft one. What should a good document covering your role look like?

STAFF RETENTION - 30.04.2019

Please don’t go…

Research has thrown up some surprising reasons for staff leaving small businesses. What are they, what can you do to stop them going and how much will this save you in the long run?

FORECASTING - 30.04.2019

Cost savings on loss of large customer

One of the company’s largest customers has given notice under its contract. The MD has asked you to calculate the impact and make some cost saving recommendations. How should you proceed?

TAX - 30.04.2019

Closing a company tax efficiently

You and your fellow shareholders want to shut down the company as it’s no longer trading. It has cash and other assets worth around £50,000. What’s the best way to do it and what will it save?

TRANSPORT - 30.04.2019

Alternatives to cars

With the business expanding, staff are having to travel more to see clients. A new company car is out of the question, so what are the other options and how much will you save?

PRINT COSTS - 30.04.2019

Cut print costs even further

In the past we’ve looked at the “paperless office dream”, with our tips potentially saving several thousand pounds. But could you save even more on your annual print and paper costs?

BREXIT - 30.04.2019

Brexit: help for businesses

As Brexit has been postponed you now have more time to prepare. To help you, new official guidance has been released. What does it cover?

RAISING FINANCE - 30.04.2019

Should you consider equity finance?

Many small businesses head straight to the bank when they need additional finance. But before you start filling out a loan application, it is worth looking into the alternatives. Might equity finance be the way to go?

TAX - BENEFITS IN KIND - 30.04.2019

Tax traps for company mobile phone users

The Taxman allows companies to pay for a director’s or employee’s mobile phone without it counting as a taxable perk. However, there are conditions which HMRC strictly enforces. How can you avoid falling foul of these?

STAFF WELFARE - 30.04.2019

Fight club at work?

More than 100 retail staff are attacked every day in the UK, according to new figures. If your business is customer facing, what preventive measures and training should you put in place to keep them safe?

VAT - PROPERTY - 30.04.2019

Terminating VAT on your property

You personally own your company’s business premises and have “opted to tax” it so you can reclaim VAT on the running costs. Your company is relocating and so you want to sell the property. Can you avoid charging VAT on the sale price?


Are you liable for employment contract breaches?

The High Court has been asked to consider whether the directors of a small company were personally liable for breaches of its employment contract. What conclusion did it reach?

TECHNOLOGY - 30.04.2019

Online v face-to-face meetings

The accounts show that travel expenses for your business have increased again. Can new video chat technology allow you to keep a handle on costs without staff missing out on key meetings and events?

E-MAIL - E-MAIL USE - 26.04.2019

E-mailing, with feeling

Depending on the contact person or the situation you’re addressing, you may have to formulate your e-mail message differently. How do you choose the best approach?


What if Skype doesn’t work?

If you work from home frequently, Skype will have proved an indispensable tool to organise teleconferences. However, if this tool suddenly stops working, what things can you check?


Pasting without formatting

SOFTWARE - WINDOWS - 26.04.2019

Work better (and faster) with keyboard shortcuts

Windows is equipped with a number of familiar and less familiar keyboard shortcuts which allow you to work faster and more efficiently. Here are some essential shortcuts.


Work efficiently with OneDrive

OneDrive may be less popular than Dropbox or Google Drive, but it offers the advantage of being integrated into all recent Windows versions. What does this cloud service have to offer?

COMPUTER - HARDWARE - 26.04.2019

Is a NAS something for you?

A NAS offers lots of storage space for your local network. It can hold all your files without you having to store everything in the cloud. How do you choose the right NAS for you?

SOFTWARE - APPS - 26.04.2019

Use widgets on your iPhone

Widgets are handy little programs which can make you work more efficiently. They are available not only for Android smartphones but also for iPhones. How do you install them and which ones are really useful?


Sending large files encrypted

You will probably be using WeTransfer to send large files that do not fit into a normal e-mail attachment. Recently, however, Firefox Send launched an alternative that claims to protect your privacy better.


Finding a suitable logo on the web

Would you like to create a new logo for your business or for a product? If you want a professional design, you should call in a graphic designer, but perhaps the Internet can help you out?


Make your smartphone or tablet child-friendly

Children are constantly online these days, thanks to their smartphones or tablets. How do you protect them against the dangers of the Internet? Here are some child-friendly tips.


Mindfulness in the workplace

The introduction of mindfulness in the workplace is becoming more popular. We’ve looked at ways in which SMEs can reap the benefits.


Visualise your business ideas

When you discuss business ideas with a customer or employee over the phone, they may remain too abstract. Luckily, there are online tools for illustrating or visualising them remotely. Here are some examples.

SHIFT WORK - 26.04.2019

Shift work linked to poor health

There has been further research into the long-term health conditions suffered by night workers. What are the findings?

FIRE SAFETY - 26.04.2019

Are there gaps in your fire protection?

When the Fire & Rescue Service inspects premises, particular attention is now given to the compartmentation of the building. Why is this under scrutiny and what should be in place to prevent you falling foul of an inspection?

WORKING AT HEIGHT - 26.04.2019

Poor communication led to ten-metre fall

Two companies have been fined after a worker suffered severe head injuries when he fell from the top of an automated racking system. What mistakes in communication led to the accident?


Chemical effects caused workers to quit

A manufacturing company has been fined £224,000 after workers’ skin became damaged by long-term exposure to chemicals. What precautions should have been taken to protect staff?


Are your staff working more than they should?

Your workplace has a culture of staff taking work home, being contactable at all hours of the day and turning up to work even when they’re not well. Could this have a negative impact on health or even be illegal?

FIRE - 26.04.2019

Flammable cladding - what’s the latest?

After the fire at Grenfell Tower it quickly became apparent that the cladding used in refurbishing the block had contributed to the spread of flames. What have investigators concluded and what action is being taken?

ASBESTOS - 26.04.2019

Firm dodged £800,000 asbestos fine by going bust

A company has been prosecuted after it was discovered that asbestos-containing materials it knew were present were left to deteriorate and spread fibres throughout a workplace. What measures should it have implemented?


Selling the company to staff - the tax implications

Your clients have built up a successful company with a tight-knit team. They are looking to retire but have no descendants and don’t want to sell to a competitor. A management buyout isn’t appropriate either, so what solutions could you discuss?


Is the cost of a medical procedure a taxable benefit?

One of your client’s employees needs a back operation. They can get it done at short notice privately which would allow them to continue working, but this will be expensive. What will be the tax consequences if your client pays for the cost of the operation?

CORPORATION TAX - 26.04.2019

Loans to directors - is there a tax charge?

One of your clients is confused about when a s.455 corporation tax charge applies to loans made to directors. They have asked for your advice ahead of any payment becoming due. What myths can you dispell for them?


Tax-efficient termination payments - what’s new?

One of your clients is looking to encourage a director to resign, and feels this can be achieved with a tax-efficient termination package. Following changes in 2018, how are termination payments now taxed and what pitfalls should be avoided?


Changes to SME R&D tax relief ahead

The 2018 Budget announced some proposed changes to the repayment of R&D tax credits for small and medium-sized businesses. How will these proposals affect what your clients can claim?


Keep a close eye on clients’ turnover

IR35 - 26.04.2019

Good news for self-employed clients?

A well-known TV presenter has convinced the First-tier Tribunal to throw out HMRC’s assertion that she was an employee. What might this mean for clients in a similar situation when considering the IR35 rules?

MARKETING - 25.04.2019

Demand for climate change labels

Research has identified that many consumers support the idea of carbon labelling on products. What’s the latest and should you consider it?

ENFORCEMENT - 25.04.2019

Are enforcement undertakings effective?

Enforcement undertakings (EUs), which are used as an alternative to prosecuting businesses, have raised more than £11m for charity since 2011. When might you be offered one of these?


EA permit decisions can be overturned

Only a few companies win appeals against the Environment Agency (EA) for environmental permit breaches. How are you able to make a successful claim and what should you remember when making an appeal?

WASTE - 25.04.2019

Illegal waste sites hit by inspectors

A one-day sting carried out by the Environment Agency (EA) uncovered multiple illegal waste sites. How can you be sure to stay clear of trouble by handling and disposing of your waste correctly?

WATER - 25.04.2019

Might there be water shortages?

Upcoming water shortages are in the news again. Is this the usual scare mongering to stop you using your hosepipe or is there a real cause for concern? What’s the latest?

FOOD WASTE - 25.04.2019

Meeting the UN target on food waste

One of the United Nations’ sustainable development goals is for food waste to be cut by 50% by 2030. Some businesses have publicised their efforts to reach the target themselves. If you want to do likewise, what measures can you adopt?

PLASTIC - 25.04.2019

Removing unnecessary microplastics

A restriction on the use of microplastics in everyday products has been proposed. Is this likely to happen and, if so, how much of a difference would this change make?


Coffee cup ban costs a company £250,000


Q&A - noise and concentration problems


Disciplinary matters when the police are involved

An employee is subject to disciplinary proceedings. Due to the nature of the allegation, the police have been notified and are investigating the matter. Must you delay your proceedings until the police investigation is concluded?


Issuing an “improvement note” for poor performance

Acas has updated its guidance on how to deal with workplace disciplinary and grievance issues. One new development is the introduction of improvement notes. What are these and when should they be used?


Could an employee on HRT qualify as disabled?

An employee who is going through the menopause has been put onto hormone replacement therapy (HRT) by her GP. As a result she claims she has a disability and is protected from discrimination. Is this correct?


Online shopper unfairly dismissed

An employee who was sacked because she used a work PC for online shopping during her breaks has won her claim for unfair dismissal and been awarded £16,000. What did her employer do wrong?

TRIBUNAL AWARDS - 24.04.2019

Increase to tribunal Vento band awards

PENSIONS - 24.04.2019

Opting out of pensions auto-enrolment

You are required to automatically enrol eligible employees into a workplace pension scheme. But what’s the position if one of your employees wants to opt out of auto-enrolment?


Flexible working refused - that’s £35,000!

An employee at the Department for Work and Pensions, who was refused a flexible working arrangement, has been awarded £35,677 compensation by the tribunal. Why was the award so high and what must you not do?

PROBATION - 24.04.2019

Legal rights and obligations during probation

When you hire a new employee, it’s advisable to make their employment subject to the satisfactory completion of a probation period. During that period, what are their legal rights and what are your obligations?

EU NATIONALS - 23.04.2019

EU Settlement Scheme - all systems go!

The EU Settlement Scheme is now fully open for applications from EU citizens living in the UK. What does the process involve?


Suspension of teacher not a repudiatory contract breach

The Court of Appeal has held that an employer had reasonable and proper cause to suspend an employee and therefore it didn’t commit a repudiatory breach of contract. Why is this a helpful decision for employers?

CONTRACTS - 23.04.2019

What should contracts say about overtime or time off in lieu?

If you may require your staff to work extra hours, you should include overtime provisions in your employment contracts, and these may also need to cover time off in lieu. What specific factors do you need to think about?

PATERNITY LEAVE - 23.04.2019

Paternity leave and pay - what you need to know

Paternity leave is statutory time off work taken by an employee when their partner is having a baby or adopting a child. They might also be eligible for statutory paternity pay. What key things do you need to know about paternity leave and pay?

REDUNDANCY - 23.04.2019

Leaving early - still entitled to redundancy pay?

An employee under notice of redundancy may want to leave their employment early, i.e. before their notice expires. If they choose to do so, are they still entitled to receive a statutory redundancy payment?


Reforming the law on confidentiality clauses

The government is consulting on new measures to prevent the misuse of confidentiality clauses in cases of workplace harassment or discrimination. What’s proposed?

DISMISSAL - 23.04.2019

What exactly is a wrongful dismissal?

The dismissal of an employee could be unfair, wrongful, either or neither, but it’s important not to get the two confused as they’re entirely different. When might there be a wrongful dismissal?

WORKING TIME - 23.04.2019

Court of Appeal rules on compensatory rest breaks

The Court of Appeal has now overturned the Employment Appeal Tribunal’s earlier ruling on the composition of compensatory rest breaks. What are the implications?

PENSIONS - 18.04.2019

New year, new tax issues for pensions

With more people saving into pensions thanks to auto-enrolment, they need to be aware of the interaction with the tax system to ensure maximum efficiency. What are the key elements to be aware of?

GROSSING UP - 18.04.2019

Gross v net

Sometimes you need to make sure that an employee takes home a specific amount of money, for example so that they’re not out of pocket due to tax and NI deductions. How do you go about grossing up a payment?

GENDER PAY GAP - 18.04.2019

Explaining the gender pay gap

The second gender pay gap reporting deadline passed on 4 April 2019. If you’re caught by the reporting requirements what do your results tell you, and how should you communicate this to employees?

RTI - 18.04.2019

The new FPS

The new full payment submission will enable you to send year-to-date figures to correct 2018/19 records from 20 April 2019 onwards. What’s to know?

MINIMUM WAGE - 18.04.2019

NMW could be on the rise in 2020

STATUTORY RATES - 18.04.2019

Employment rates published


Private sector off-payroll rules

The public sector has been battling with the off-payroll rules since April 2017. In 2020 it will be the private sector’s turn. What do we know about the plans and how should you prepare?

STUDENT LOANS - 18.04.2019

What’s new with student loans?

If you employ staff with postgraduate loans, you’re required to start making deductions through payroll in addition to undergraduate loans. Are you up to speed with the process changes?

IR35 - 17.04.2019

High profile case raises questions about IR35

With just a year before a sea change in the IR35 rules is due to take effect, the tribunal’s latest judgment highlights the difficulties that businesses will have in deciding whether it applies. What’s the full story?

COMPANY TAX - 17.04.2019

EIS timing trap for companies

The enterprise investment scheme (EIS) is a great way to encourage investment in your company, but there are conditions. One involves funding received while the company is relatively young. How can you extend this period?

BENEFITS - 17.04.2019

Now’s the time to turn back the clock on taxable perks

In 2018/19 your company provided you with benefits in kind. As it stands you’ll be taxed on them and your company will have to pay Class 1A NI. There’s still time to prevent these charges. How’s it done and is it worth it?


MTD - how late can you leave it?

HMRC has updated its guidance about when you must start the Making Tax Digital for VAT (MTDfV) registration process to ensure that you aren’t late. How long have you got?

VAT - 17.04.2019

The trouble with mixed supplies

Determining how much VAT to charge on a mixed supply can be tricky and is made more difficult by HMRC’s aggressive stance. What steps can you take to stay within the rules?

PENSIONS - 17.04.2019

Limitless pension contributions

While getting your business off the ground you neglected your pension savings. You want to make up for it now but your advisor tells you that the annual contribution limits will prevent this. Is there a way around them?

TERMINATION PAY - 17.04.2019

Two jobs - redundancy pay for one only

An employee has two roles under two separate contracts with the same employer. He’s being made redundant from one job (the other is continuing). Should his employer apply the usual exemption to the redundancy pay?

PAYE - PAYROLL - 17.04.2019

New payslip regulations

TAX - 16.04.2019

How to make staff pay reviews tax efficient

It’s that time of year again when you review staff performance and pay. One of the directors has suggested offering tax-efficient perks instead of pay. You thought HMRC had outlawed this in 2017, but is it still possible?


Who’s in charge when you’re away?

With the days lengthening your thoughts have turned to the summer holiday. But the thought of taking a week or two off and leaving the company to “run itself” puts you off the idea. Is there a way to make things work?

LATE PAYMENTS - 16.04.2019

Good news on late payments?

In March 2019 the Chancellor promised further action to tackle late payments and the Small Business Commissioner has also upped his game. How will this help you manage this issue, if at all?

VAT - 16.04.2019

Can you reclaim VAT incurred by contractors?

You’ve employed a crew of self-employed tradesmen to carry out work for a customer. They’ll buy the tools and materials for the job and include the cost in their bills to you. Can you reclaim the VAT?

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