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2019 - May


The new functions of Slack

Slack, the business platform that allows colleagues to communicate in convenient chat rooms, will expand its features in the coming weeks and months. Here are the main novelties to be expected.


How to transfer files from PC to Android smartphone

For most people, their smartphone has become a computer they always carry with them. At times you will want to move files from your computer to your smartphone. What’s the best approach?

SOFTWARE - MUSIC - 29.05.2019

iTunes: still relevant after all these years?

Apple iTunes has been around for years and is still being updated regularly. Is this software really worth it, and is it still relevant in this era of streaming music services, including Apple’s own Apple Music?


Online assistance for successful meetings

Not all meetings are equally successful and productive, but good preparation and professional follow-up can make the difference. Here are some web tools that will help you to do just this.


Finding staff, keeping staff

The UK’s 5.7 million SMEs don’t have the budgets of large companies but they still need to find and retain staff. What advice is available?

E-MAIL - E-MAIL SOFTWARE - 29.05.2019

The best mail apps for iOS

Are you looking for a new mail app for your iPhone or iPad? There are plenty of apps to choose from, so it may become hard to see the wood for the trees. Here’s our selection of good mail apps.


Do you need your own QR code?

QR codes may have been forgotten for a while but their popularity is on the rise again. Indeed, they offer excellent marketing opportunities for entrepreneurs, traders and the self-employed. So how do you make good use of QR codes?


Tips for buying an e-reader


More efficient searching with Google

To look up information online, you will undoubtedly use the Google search engine. However, are you familiar with the following search tips to obtain the results you’re looking for even faster and more efficiently?


Snapseed: edit your smartphone photos

The world of photography is changing rapidly. For most people, their smartphone has become their main - or even only - camera. How can the Snapseed app make your photos look their best?

SOFTWARE - BROWSER - 29.05.2019

One Firefox tab, two webpages


Things you should know about ad banners

Ad banners offer a popular solution for attracting people to your website. However, how do you ensure that people effectively click through to your website? Here are some tips.


Faster installation and updates of freeware

You probably have lots of popular freeware installed, possibly even on multiple networked devices. Here are some tools to help you install and update such programs faster.


Tax planning with trusts in the modern era

A client wants to set up a discretionary trust for the benefit of their family. What tax planning opportunities can you suggest, and what is it essential not to overlook once things are up and running?

INCOME GAINS - 29.05.2019

Top slicing relief refunds?

The First-tier Tribunal has indicated that HMRC’s method of calculating top slicing relief is incorrect. What is the issue, and what might it mean for clients?

HMRC ENQUIRIES - 29.05.2019

Are enquiry-related professional fees deductible?

You spent a considerable amount of time dealing with an enquiry into a client’s tax return. This has now closed and you’ve issued your fee note. Your client wants to know if the extra costs will be deductible from her self-employed profits. What’s the answer?


How do clients actually sign up for Making Tax Digital for VAT?

Your clients will become mandated into Making Tax Digital for VAT as soon as they meet the historic turnover test. Some may assume HMRC will register them automatically. This is not correct, so what can you advise them on signing up on time?


Dilution protection elections - how to benefit

The Finance Act 2019 introduced two new elections to obtain entrepreneurs’ relief where an individual’s stake in their personal company falls below 5%. How can you secure this valuable relief for affected clients and when is the tax due?


Tax planning with minor children and the family company

You act for a second-generation family company that wishes to bring minor children into the business. Can the children become shareholders? Is it sensible for them to do so and, if not, is there a better option?

PAYE & BENEFITS - 29.05.2019

Payroll year end - what’s still to be done?

The 2018/19 tax year is now over, but your clients’ reporting obligations for it are likely to need completing. What still needs to be done, and what in particular should you be careful to look out for this year?

VAT - 29.05.2019

Fixed asset sale: is VAT due?

You might think that your clients must always account for output tax when they sell an asset owned by their business. But this is not always the case. When can assets be sold without VAT being charged in full and how can you help your clients get it right?


HMRC system flaw provides reasonable excuse


Income tax pilot expands

PLASTIC - 28.05.2019

The fight against plastic continues

In an effort to reduce the amount of plastic waste generated, the European Parliament has voted to ban items made of single-use plastic. What does this mean for the UK?

CLIMATE CHANGE - 28.05.2019

Climate emergency declared

Amid environmental protests the government declared a national “climate emergency” in April 2019. Might you be affected by this?


Roundup manufacturer in cancer lawsuit

The agricultural company Monsanto has been fined $80 million after one of its products was found to have been partly responsible for causing cancer. What happened and does it affect us in the UK?

WATER - 28.05.2019

Charity benefits following pollution incident

A donation of £150,000 has been made to the Trent Rivers Trust following an incident in which a manufacturing company allowed polluting material to enter a nearby watercourse. What are the details?


A quick check of your environmental standards

Do you know what impact your business is having on the environment? If you’ve never checked, you might want to carry out a review. Our document will help you achieve this.

POLLUTION - 28.05.2019

Fire may have caused ground contamination

Soil within a 1.2km radius of Grenfell Tower has been found to contain high levels of toxic chemicals. What is the problem and what options are available to businesses and others who find their grounds are similarly affected?


Changes to rules for medium combustion plants

The Environment Agency (EA) plans to change the way it regulates the use of generators. What do you need to know to stay ahead of the game and make sure your equipment is compliant with the law?

MANUAL HANDLING - 24.05.2019

Pallet deliveries causing a strain

Your deliveries frequently arrive on pallets, and the drivers simply drop them on the pavement and expect staff to unpack and carry everything into the building. Is this acceptable and if so is there a legal limit to observe?

ENFORCEMENT - 24.05.2019

Safety fines up 450%

A report into the outcome of safety prosecutions has shown that fines have increased dramatically. What do you need to know?


£1.4 million machinery blockage

You have a duty of care to ensure the safety of your employees, including when they are trying to unblock machinery. However, it seems some businesses aren’t doing enough. How can you avoid the risks?

FIRE SAFETY - 24.05.2019

Your fire blanket questions answered

Updated practical guidance on selecting, installing and maintaining fire blankets has been issued by the Fire Industry Association. It answers every question you might have on the subject. What’s included?

WELFARE - 24.05.2019

Appeal over rest breaks won by employer

A Network Rail employee has lost his claim that he had insufficient rest breaks. Given that he could not always take a 20-minute break every six hours, his case seemed strong. So why did he lose?

ELECTRICITY - 24.05.2019

Q&A - annual wiring check

WORK AT HEIGHT - 24.05.2019

Man injured in shaft fall

A worker suffered life changing injuries when he fell in to a ventilation shaft while carrying out grounds maintenance work. What were the circumstances behind the accident and what should have been done differently?

ELECTRICITY - 24.05.2019

Worker killed by overhead power line

A court has heard how a driver was killed when the grab arm he was operating came in to contact with an overhead power line. How could this have been avoided?


No meeting = constructive dismissal

An employee has won her claim for constructive dismissal at the Employment Appeal Tribunal after she was issued with a formal improvement notice by her employer. What did they do wrong?


Summer’s here - let’s talk dress codes

During the summer you might decide to relax your rules on dress. However, some outfits which are perfect for hot weather are unlikely to be appropriate for your workplace. What can you do to avoid this problem?

HARASSMENT - 24.05.2019

Diversity training ends with harassment claim

An employer has lost a tribunal claim for racial harassment simply because of the way its equality and diversity training was delivered to staff. What shouldn’t happen in these training sessions?


Skiving but could allege discrimination

You’re sure that a disabled employee is skiving and not genuinely sick. If you question them about the situation, will that automatically be an act of disability discrimination on your part?


How much paid time off for workplace companions?

An employee has been appointed to act as a workplace companion by a colleague who is facing a disciplinary hearing. Is the workplace companion entitled to unlimited paid time off to fulfil this role?

PROMOTION - 24.05.2019

Can a promotion be subject to a probation period?

Rather than hiring an external candidate, you’re thinking about promoting an existing employee who ticks most of the boxes. Can you make the promotion subject to a probation period in case things don’t work out?


Arguing over tea break costs employer £20,000

An employee who was dismissed following an argument over a tea break has successfully claimed unfair dismissal and been awarded over £20,000. Where did the employer go wrong?

RECRUITMENT - 24.05.2019

Fake references and qualifications


Disciplinary process can run alongside criminal investigation

The Court of Appeal has held that an employer’s disciplinary procedure didn’t have to wait until a related police investigation was completed. What are the key takeaways from this decision for employers?

CONTRACTS - 24.05.2019

What should contracts say about place of work and mobility?

You’re legally required to specify an employee’s place of work in their employment contract, but mobility clauses are entirely optional. But why should you have a mobility clause and what should it say?


Managing long-term sickness absence

If an employee is absent on long-term sick leave, there will come a point in time when you need to consider whether dismissal is appropriate. What are the legal risks here and what fair process should you follow?

REFERENCES - 24.05.2019

The truth about references

You haven’t bothered asking for references previously because you doubted their value. But the new boss is insisting you start referencing new candidates. What can you ask, and are employers obliged to provide this information?


Politics in the workplace

Brexit has demonstrated that politics enters every workplace. Whilst it can be positive to have a work environment where reasoned discussions are encouraged, there is a line to be drawn. What does the law say and where should you draw that line?

AGENCY WORKERS - 24.05.2019

Repeal of the Swedish derogation

New regulations will repeal the Swedish derogation for agency workers from 6 April 2020. What will its revocation mean for temporary work agencies?


Guidance on new off-payroll working rules

The government has published guidance to help you prepare for the changes to the off-payroll working rules that will take effect from 6 April 2020. What advice is it offering?

GRIEVANCES - 24.05.2019

How to conduct a grievance investigation

When an employee raises a grievance, you’ll need to appoint an investigating manager to properly investigate it. How should they go about conducting an effective workplace grievance investigation?


Right to work checks after Brexit


Penalty warning for early MTD joiners

There’s still plenty of time to register for Making Tax Digital for VAT (MTDfV). In fact, tax experts are warning those who have already signed up that they are at greater risk of penalties. What’s the full story?

STAMP DUTY LAND TAX - 22.05.2019

Reclaiming the extra SDLT - don’t leave it too late

Our subscriber paid extra stamp duty land tax (SDLT) when he bought his new home because he still owned his old one which he was doing up to get a better price. How long does he have to reclaim the extra SDLT?

CORPORATION TAX - 22.05.2019

The trouble with changing your accounting date

You’ve extended your company’s current accounting period to 18 months. This has the advantage of spreading the profit and the tax bill for a bumper year over a longer period, but how does it affect tax returns and payments?


Tax-efficient structuring of share buy-back

You’re planning to exit your company (it will buy your shares) and start out on your own. The normal strategy is to ask HMRC to treat this transaction as liable to capital gains tax (CGT), but might there be a cheaper option?

EXPENSES - 22.05.2019

Directors’ start-up costs - how to claim them?

You paid expenses personally to get your company up and running. You don’t expect it to be able to repay these or give you a salary for some time yet. Can you claim a tax deduction for the start-up costs?

INVESTMENTS - 22.05.2019

Lifetime ISAs v pension savings

The government offers similar looking tax incentives for pension contributions and lifetime ISAs. However, appearances can be deceptive so we’ve peaked under the bonnet of both investments. Which comes out on top?

COMPANY CARS - 22.05.2019

New category for P46 (car)

VAT - 22.05.2019

Selling a pre-registration asset - don’t overdo the VAT

When you registered for VAT you reclaimed all the VAT you could for goods and services you bought prior to registration. However, you’re about to sell an asset for which you weren’t entitled to reclaim VAT. Should you add it to the sale price?


Termination pay changes confirmed

IR35 - 17.05.2019

HMRC says get ready for IR35 changes

HMRC has published guidance on what steps businesses affected by IR35 should take before the new rules take effect. What’s the full story?

TAX - 17.05.2019

Advance travel expenses - what’s the tax and NI catch?

One of our subscribers is going to pay his staff an advance to cover travel expenses. He’s getting conflicting advice about the tax and NI consequences. What steps should he take to avoid trouble with HMRC?

PENSIONS - 17.05.2019

How to create state pension rights

Your partner’s current job doesn’t generate enough income to earn NI credits that count towards the state pension. To get around this a friend suggested your business tops up your partner’s income. Will that work?

HEALTH & SAFETY - 17.05.2019

Health and safety duties owed to the self-employed

You might need to bring in self-employed specialists or contractors to undertake specific tasks. You know that you have some health and safety responsibilities towards them, but how far do they extend?

HOLIDAYS - 17.05.2019

Unlimited holiday madness

More and more small businesses are offering staff unlimited holiday. Is it really a sensible idea and if not, what other options are available if you wanted to extend entitlement?

DIRECTORS’ DUTIES - 17.05.2019

Gossiping director breaches his duties

DATA PROTECTION - 17.05.2019

Could your data be held to ransom?

Ransomware is a cyber attack that blocks access to a business’ data until a ransom is paid. It’s the big cases that hit the headlines, like “WannaCry”, but no business is too small for the hackers. How can you protect your data?

STRESS - 17.05.2019

Workers took their own lives at Amnesty

Following the deaths of two workers, an independent review was commissioned to look into the workplace culture at Amnesty International. What was discovered and what can be learned from the findings?

ENFORCEMENT - 17.05.2019

HSE hikes enforcement rate

The HSE has increased the rate it charges for its inspectors’ time under the fee for intervention scheme. How much could this cost you?

CONTRACTORS - 17.05.2019

Are pre-qualification checks about to get slicker?

The Common Assessment Standard has been developed by a group of construction sector giants in the hope of finally putting an end to the drawn out bureaucracy faced by many sub-contractors. What do you need to know?

WORKPLACE - 17.05.2019

Crushed by potatoes

A court has heard how an employee of a food manufacturer was injured when he was struck by boxes of potatoes being carried by a fork lift truck. His employer had already taken measures to protect pedestrians, so what went wrong?


A current policy for first aid

The HSE updated its online first aid guidance in 2018. How might this affect the contents of your first aid policy? Use our template to bring your own written arrangements up to date.

CONSTRUCTION - 17.05.2019

Children used construction site as playground

A case heard at Cardiff Crown Court illustrates how companies can take the blame if children enter their site and injure themselves. What happened and what should have been done to prevent it?

WORKING AT HEIGHT - 17.05.2019

MEWP rescue guidance

The Strategic Forum Plant Safety Group has published guidance which will help you to plan, manage and carry out rescues from a mobile elevating work platform. What does it include and should you apply it?

TAX CODES - 16.05.2019

Tax codes under the spotlight

HMRC has launched a new dynamic coding trigger in respect of tax code accuracy. What are the key things you must now do as a result?

HOLIDAY PAY - 16.05.2019

Happy holiday or expensive mistake?

Over recent years there have been numerous holiday pay cases that have resulted in an employment tribunal claim and subsequently taken to appeal. What do you need to know to avoid the same fate?

ENFORCEMENT - 16.05.2019

How to avoid a late filing penalty

If you fail to submit your RTI returns on time you may face an automatic penalty. However, there’s a way around this in certain circumstances. What do you need to know to avoid a fine?

COMPLIANCE - 16.05.2019

ESCaping an HMRC claim

If HMRC demands unpaid tax from you as an employer, you don’t have to roll over and pay up. In fact, you can rely on an Extra Statutory Concession (ESC) to avoid an unexpected tax bill. What’s to know?


New NICs third time lucky

MINIMUM WAGE - 16.05.2019

500,000 workers underpaid


Getting your house in order

Employer-provided accommodation is one of the most prized benefits in kind. But it’s rarely tax free and the rules are complicated. What are the key elements to get right to avoid an unexpected tax bill?

SOFTWARE - APPS - 10.05.2019

Make your own apps

Would you like to have a smartphone app for your company, product, service or brand to complement your website? You can outsource its creation, of course, but there are also many DIY platforms. Are they any good?

E-MAIL - WEBMAIL - 10.05.2019

News from Gmail

The mobile Gmail app remained virtually unchanged for ages, but an update has recently been released. In addition, we’ve got some news concerning other versions of Gmail. So here’s an update…


Boost your productivity with ClickUp?

As a self-employed person, professional or entrepreneur, you have a lot of responsibilities. ClickUp brings together all your tasks and projects in one platform and promises to boost your productivity in this way. Does it deliver?

DIGITAL TRENDS - 10.05.2019

The need for a digital strategy

A recent survey of companies showed that concerns about having a digital strategy outweigh worries over Brexit. We’ve looked at the main areas of interest.


How and where to find good podcasts?

Podcasts have become increasingly popular of late and what’s on offer is becoming more and more interesting. What do you need in order to find quality podcasts and play them?

E-MAIL - E-MAIL SOFTWARE - 10.05.2019

Alternatives for the default Android e-mail app

The e-mail app that comes standard with new Android smartphones is not all that powerful. If you want more options, let’s have a look at some good, free alternatives.

WEB SERVICES - NOTES - 10.05.2019

Forget nothing, thanks to virtual post-its

With your busy schedule, do you need to be reminded of some tasks? If so virtual post-its can come in very handy. We tested a few web-based services and a desktop tool.

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