DRIVING - 01.10.2021

New distractions for drivers

Bad habits. We’re already aware that many drivers will spend time on the phone or fiddling with the satnav whilst driving, but it seems there are more distractions to worry about. Dashcam company Nextbase says it surveyed 1,000 drivers and found that one in ten would answer a video call whilst driving. 7% were quite happy to use the time behind the wheel to catch up with a favourite show and 11% would drive after drinking alcohol provided they “felt fine”.

New rules. It’s now illegal to use a mobile device for any function, whereas previously the law only applied to their use for communications. This means that drivers could be caught out if they’re scrolling, photographing, etc. Taking video calls or listening and half watching a film is illegal.

Tip. Ensure that staff are familiar with the contents of your Driving at Work Policy and that its contents are enforced (see The next step ). In particular make sure that senior personnel lead by example by following your rules. If you’re slack about this you’ll have some major holes in your defence should you end up in court over a serious accident.

For a driving at work policy, visit https://www.tips-and-advice.co.uk , Download Zone , year 20, issue 02.

Apparently, many drivers think it’s OK to take video calls and catch up on TV shows and films whilst driving. This demonstrates how advances in technology are eroding focus on the road. To ensure responsibility lies with the driver and not with you, have a robust policy on driving safely.

The next step

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