SPREADSHEETS - 07.02.2022

Using Excel’s accessibility checker

You may have overlooked the accessibility checker tool in Excel, assuming that it was only relevant to users with disabilities. However, it does include checks that could make your spreadsheets easier to understand for all. What does it look for?

What is the accessibility checker tool?

Excel’s accessibility checker is an automated tool for checking several common accessibility issues in your spreadsheets that may make it more difficult for users to understand. While this includes issues that are specific to people with disabilities, such as compatibility with screen readers or other adaptive technologies, it also includes checks which are relevant to all users. For example, it can identify low-contract colour combinations that are harder to read.

How does it work?

The checker searches for a long list of possible issues. You can apply a one-click fix by selecting an action or select the arrow button next to an action for more options. Tip. You can run the Accessibility checker from the Review tab.

The accessibility checker categorises the issues into errors and warnings.


Items identified as errors make your spreadsheet very difficult or impossible for disabled users so you should consider changing them if you can.

Lack of Alt Text. This error means that there is a lack of alternative text to describe an image. Adding text allows users to gain valuable information that you would get from viewing the image. Tip. To assign alternative text, right click on the image and select “Edit Alt Text” and include a brief description of the image and its context. Tip.  If the image is purely decorative, you can mark it as such by clicking the box. These images will then be skipped by screen readers.

Lack of table headers. Screen readers rely on headers to understand what your tables contain. For screen readers this isn’t just for context, but also to aid with navigation. Tip. To fix the headers error, select all the cells in your table then choose Format As Table from the Styles Ribbon on the Home Tab . Once you’ve chosen a style the Format as Table dialog box will appear. Check the checkbox to the left of My Table has Headers . Doing so will format the first row of the table as a header.

Colour-only negative formatting. One of the default options in Excel is to indicate negative numbers with red font colour. This is confusing for readers who can’t easily distinguish colours, and there’s no real reason not to use the format which includes the minus sign as well as the red colour.


Items in this category are usually difficult for users with disabilities and should be re-considered.

Non-simple table structures. Again, this is to aid screen readers. In Excel, it means no merged cells. Tip. You can remove any pre-existing merged cells by selecting the whole worksheet and then pressing the “Merge” button from the Home tab.

Generic sheet names. This helps all users - consider giving your sheets names other than “Sheet1”, “Sheet2”, etc.

Low contrast between text and background. This kind of text isn’t easy to read even for people with unimpaired vision. For example, blue links on black backgrounds.

For a list of accessibility checker rules, visit https://www.tips-and-advice.co.uk , Download Zone, year 14, issue 05.

The accessibility checker primarily searches for issues that make the spreadsheet difficult for screen readers to read such as a lack of table headers, merged cells, low contrast between text and background and generic sheet names. Once you’ve run the checker, you can apply a one-click fix or make the adjustments yourself.

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