Failure to allow resignation retraction was discrimination
An HR director has won her claim for disability discrimination after she was denied her request to withdraw her resignation which was submitted to her employer almost three weeks earlier. Why did this amount to unlawful discrimination?
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HARASSMENT - 27.08.2024
Excessive contact with sick employee was harassment
An employee who was contacted by her employer on a regular basis when off sick, and sent an unwanted birthday card, has won her employment tribunal claim for disability-related harassment. What lesson should you learn from this ruling?
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PATERNITY LEAVE - 03.06.2024
Paternity Leave (Bereavement) Bill
Bill. A Private Members’ Bill which has government support has completed its passage through the House of Commons and is now before the House of Lords. If enacted, the Paternity Leave (Bereavement) Bill will provide powers for amended provisions on paternity leave in cases where the child’s mother or primary adopter dies. ...
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PART-TIME WORKING - 17.05.2024
The employment rights of part-time workers
Part-time workers enjoy statutory rights not to be treated less favourably than comparable full-time workers, regardless of whether they (or their comparator) are male or female. What are the essentials of their statutory protection?
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Reasonable adjustments for employees with cancer
King Charles has returned to public duties following his cancer diagnosis in February 2024. What reasonable adjustments should you consider for an employee returning to work following a period of sickness absence due to cancer?
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Recruiting and developing disabled people
Guide for line managers. The government has published a new practical guide for managers on recruiting, managing and developing people with a disability or health condition (see The next step ). Content. The guidance covers the entire employment lifecycle, including such topics as: (1) the manager’s role in creating an inclusive working environment; (2) the duty to make reasonable adjustments; (3) appropriate language to use about disability; (4) attracting a wide range of job applicants and making adjustments to your recruitment process; (5) making adjustments for new starters; (6) disclosing disability and confidentiality; (7) career progression, including access to training and development; (8) sickness absence management; and (9) employment termination, including dismissal and redundancy. Most of the sections also include some useful bullet point “top tips” . ...
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