Employment & HR - Flexible & part-time working

Recently added Tips & Advice

CONTRACTS - 03.06.2024

What’s the law on the use of zero-hours contracts?

An April 2024 report by the Resolution Foundation indicates that employers are now using zero-hours contracts to reduce their wage bills and offset higher minimum wage rates. Where does the law currently stand on the use of zero-hours contracts?
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INTERNSHIPS - 03.06.2024

Things to be aware of when hiring an intern

It’s that time of year when students leave college or university and look for roles that advance their chosen career paths. If you’re thinking about taking on an intern over the summer, what do you need to be aware of from an employment law perspective?
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PART-TIME WORKING - 17.05.2024

The employment rights of part-time workers

Part-time workers enjoy statutory rights not to be treated less favourably than comparable full-time workers, regardless of whether they (or their comparator) are male or female. What are the essentials of their statutory protection?
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Using trial periods to assess feasibility of flexible working

The new Acas Code of Practice on requests for flexible working recognises that it’s possible to have a trial period to assess the feasibility of an employee’s proposed flexible working arrangement. How will a trial period work?
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Should you trial a four-day working week?

The 4 Day Week Campaign and think tank Autonomy have launched a new initiative called 4ugust, under which you would give your staff a four-day week, while keeping salaries the same, for the month of August. Is it worth considering?
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New Acas Code of Practice on flexible working requests

A new draft statutory Acas Code of Practice on requests for flexible working and the Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023 are both expected to come into force on 6 April 2024. What provisions are in the Acas Code of Practice?
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Employment & HR - Flexible & part-time working

Most read Tips & Advice

CONTRACTS - 03.06.2024

What’s the law on the use of zero-hours contracts?

An April 2024 report by the Resolution Foundation indicates that employers are now using zero-hours contracts to reduce their wage bills and offset higher minimum wage rates. Where does the law currently stand on the use of zero-hours contracts?
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PART-TIME WORKING - 17.05.2024

The employment rights of part-time workers

Part-time workers enjoy statutory rights not to be treated less favourably than comparable full-time workers, regardless of whether they (or their comparator) are male or female. What are the essentials of their statutory protection?
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INTERNSHIPS - 03.06.2024

Things to be aware of when hiring an intern

It’s that time of year when students leave college or university and look for roles that advance their chosen career paths. If you’re thinking about taking on an intern over the summer, what do you need to be aware of from an employment law perspective?
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