Employment & HR - Holidays

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HOLIDAYS - 17.04.2024

Holiday years for irregular hours and part-year workers

New annual leave accrual rules now apply for irregular hours and part-year workers, but only in respect of holiday years starting on or after 1 April 2024. What’s the problem here and is there a potential way around it for new workers?
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HOLIDAYS - 17.04.2024

Q&A - extended annual leave for special events

Q. An employee has requested to take four weeks’ annual leave to attend the Euros in the summer. Although he’ll have sufficient leave remaining, our policy provides that we don’t allow more than two weeks’ annual leave at any one time. Can we decline his request? ...
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BANK HOLIDAYS - 06.03.2024

Is it worth considering a flexible bank holidays scheme?

A flexible bank holidays scheme can help you to create a more inclusive workplace and may assist with staff recruitment and retention. How do these schemes operate and what should you consider before deciding whether to introduce one?
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TIME OFF - 02.03.2024

The new right to carer’s leave

On 6 April 2024 the new Carer’s Leave Regulations 2024 will come into force. How much statutory carer’s leave will your employees be entitled to take in any twelve-month period and is this a paid or unpaid right?
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HOLIDAYS - 28.02.2024

Annual leave for irregular hours and part-year workers

For holiday years beginning on or after 1 April 2024, new rules will apply to annual leave under the Working Time Regulations 1998 for irregular hours and part-year workers. What are the essentials of those new rules?
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WORKING TIME - 25.01.2024

Q&A - record-keeping obligations

Q. What records of working hours do we now need to keep under the Working Time Regulations 1998 ? A. The Working Time Regulations 1998 (WTR) say that you must keep records which are adequate to show whether you have complied with the limits and requirements on maximum working time, i.e. the 48-hour week, and night work, and you must keep them for two years. The WTR have been amended from 1 January 2024 to go on to say that you may create, maintain and keep these records in such manner and format as you reasonably think fit. The WTR also now state that you don’t need to keep a record of each worker’s daily working hours to comply with your record-keeping obligations, provided you can demonstrate compliance without doing so. If you do wish to record actual daily working time, you can ask your staff to complete a timesheet (see The next step ). The next step For an employee weekly timesheet, visit https://www.tips-and-advice.co.uk , Download Zone, year 26, issue 3. ...
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