REDUNDANCY - 12.06.2024
How should you decide on the redundancy selection pool?
Before you reach the stage of provisionally selecting employees for redundancy, you must first identify what your pool is going to be, i.e. the group of employees from which you’ll do your selection. How should you choose the pool?
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REDUNDANCY - 08.05.2024
Withholding enhanced redundancy pay
Tata Steel has threatened to withhold enhanced redundancy pay (ERP) if employees go on strike. Is it possible to change your mind about paying ERP?
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REDUNDANCY - 17.04.2024
Redundancy during pregnancy and family-related leave
You must now offer a suitable available vacancy on redundancy not only to those on maternity, adoption or shared parental leave but also to those who are pregnant or recently returned from such leave. What must you do to comply with your duties?
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TERMINATION PAY - 03.04.2024
Compensating a departing director or employee
A dispute in the boardroom has resulted in one of the directors resigning from the firm. A financial settlement has been agreed to prevent the departure becoming acrimonious. Can the company apply the £30,000 exemption to the payment?
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Should termination payment have been paid tax free?
The Upper Tribunal (UT) recently had to decide if the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) was wrong in ruling that a payment made on termination of employment was taxable. Why did the taxpayer believe it was and did the UT agree?
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REDUNDANCY - 06.03.2024
Failure to consider selection pool made redundancy unfair
The Employment Appeal Tribunal has held that an employee’s redundancy dismissal was unfair because her employer hadn’t considered whether she should be placed in a wider selection pool. What did the employer do wrong here?
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