Employment & HR - Termination of employment

Recently added Tips & Advice


Constructively dismissed following flexible working request

An employee whose flexible working request was declined has won her claims for constructive dismissal and direct disability discrimination, even though her employer had sound business reasons for refusing her request. What key mistake was made?
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Unfairly dismissed after informing employer of new job

An employee who was shouted at by her employer and called ungrateful after she told him she was leaving for a new job was held by a tribunal to have been unfairly dismissed. Why?
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REDUNDANCY - 12.06.2024

How should you decide on the redundancy selection pool?

Before you reach the stage of provisionally selecting employees for redundancy, you must first identify what your pool is going to be, i.e. the group of employees from which you’ll do your selection. How should you choose the pool?
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DISMISSAL - 12.06.2024

Must you offer redeployment before SOSR dismissal?

If you’re considering dismissing an employee for “some other substantial reason” (SOSR), you may need to first explore whether you can offer them available alternative employment. When should you do this and what is the process?
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Unfairly dismissed asking for contract and payslips

An employment tribunal has ruled that an employee who had been employed for less than a year was unfairly dismissed after requesting an employment contract and payslips. Why was this unfair despite the employee’s short service?
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Fairly dismissed for stealing carrier bags

The tribunal has ruled that a Sainsbury’s employee was fairly dismissed for gross misconduct after he was found to have taken carrier bags without paying for them. Does this mean minor theft is always gross misconduct?
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Employment & HR - Termination of employment

Most read Tips & Advice


Constructively dismissed following flexible working request

An employee whose flexible working request was declined has won her claims for constructive dismissal and direct disability discrimination, even though her employer had sound business reasons for refusing her request. What key mistake was made?
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Fairly dismissed for stealing carrier bags

The tribunal has ruled that a Sainsbury’s employee was fairly dismissed for gross misconduct after he was found to have taken carrier bags without paying for them. Does this mean minor theft is always gross misconduct?
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REDUNDANCY - 12.06.2024

How should you decide on the redundancy selection pool?

Before you reach the stage of provisionally selecting employees for redundancy, you must first identify what your pool is going to be, i.e. the group of employees from which you’ll do your selection. How should you choose the pool?
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