Employment & HR - Working time

Recently added Tips & Advice

TIME OFF - 12.06.2024

Time off work for duties as local councillor

One of your employees was elected as a local councillor in the May 2024 local government elections. They are now saying they are entitled to as much time off work as they need to perform their duties as a local councillor. Are they correct?
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BANK HOLIDAYS - 01.05.2024

Is it worth considering a flexible bank holidays scheme?

A flexible bank holidays scheme can help you to create a more inclusive workplace and may assist with staff recruitment and retention. How do these schemes operate and what should you consider before deciding whether to introduce one?
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HOLIDAYS - 17.04.2024

Holiday years for irregular hours and part-year workers

New annual leave accrual rules now apply for irregular hours and part-year workers, but only in respect of holiday years starting on or after 1 April 2024. What’s the problem here and is there a potential way around it for new workers?
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HOLIDAYS - 17.04.2024

Q&A - extended annual leave for special events

Q. An employee has requested to take four weeks’ annual leave to attend the Euros in the summer. Although he’ll have sufficient leave remaining, our policy provides that we don’t allow more than two weeks’ annual leave at any one time. Can we decline his request? ...
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PARENTAL LEAVE - 08.04.2024

Parental leave and automatic unfair dismissal protection

The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has refused to strike out an automatic unfair dismissal claim brought by an employee who argued his dismissal was because he sought to take parental leave. What was the rationale for the EAT’s decision?
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WORKING TIME - 19.03.2024

What are the rules on working hours and rest breaks?

The Working Time Regulations 1998 set out rules limiting a worker’s working hours and providing for them to have rest breaks. What are your main obligations in relation to working hours and rest breaks under the legislation?
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Employment & HR - Working time

Most read Tips & Advice

TIME OFF - 12.06.2024

Time off work for duties as local councillor

One of your employees was elected as a local councillor in the May 2024 local government elections. They are now saying they are entitled to as much time off work as they need to perform their duties as a local councillor. Are they correct?
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BANK HOLIDAYS - 01.05.2024

Is it worth considering a flexible bank holidays scheme?

A flexible bank holidays scheme can help you to create a more inclusive workplace and may assist with staff recruitment and retention. How do these schemes operate and what should you consider before deciding whether to introduce one?
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