Health, safety & environment - Fire safety

Recently added Tips & Advice

FIRE SAFETY - 04.06.2024

Check your external fire escape(s)

Emergency evacuation. In case of a fire emergency on your premises, a prompt and secure evacuation is crucial to protect both property and lives. Without properly maintained and cleaned fire exits, including fire escape stairs, the risk to you and your employees escalates significantly. Good condition. External metal fire escape stairways can deteriorate to a dangerous state if left unchecked. They are often out of sight at the rear of the building and used only occasionally during fire drills. As a result they can rust to the point where restoration becomes impossible or very expensive. To ensure that yours don’t suffer the same fate, use our External Metal Fire Escape Checksheet (see The next step ). ...
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FIRE SAFETY - 21.05.2024

Do you need a compartmentation survey?

A fire risk assessor has noted that your building has many defects which would allow a fire to spread and reduce the time to escape. You’ve been instructed to commission a “compartmentation survey”. What might this involve?
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FIRE SAFETY - 23.04.2024

Workers don’t know how to react to a fire

Fire in the workplace. New research has revealed that 51% of construction workers would not know what to do in the event of a fire at work. This is worrying as each year there are around 22,000 workplace fires around the UK, highlighting the importance of having adequate fire safety knowledge. ...
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FIRE SAFETY - 02.04.2024

Fire extinguisher guidelines updated

When determining how many fire extinguishers you need, their type, size and location, the most important source of guidance is the British Standards document BS5306-8. What changes were introduced in the latest update?
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FIRE SAFETY - 26.03.2024

Guidance for e-bikes and scooters published

New guidance. In February 2024 the Department for Transport published new guidance for premises managers about assessing and managing fire risks involving the lithium batteries used in e-bikes and e-scooters. What’s included? Statistics show that there were 77 battery fires in 2020, rising to approximately 338 in 2023. Therefore, it’s recommended that premises managers should consult a competent fire risk assessor for the latest advice specific to lithium fires and e-bikes and e-scooters. ...
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FIRE SAFETY - 04.12.2023

How to avoid fire spreading through voids

A report into a hotel fire has concluded that there is much work to be done to improve fire safety. In particular, businesses need to take action to ensure that any fire that occurs is contained, especially within voids. What’s to know?
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Health, safety & environment - Fire safety

Most read Tips & Advice

FIRE SAFETY - 21.05.2024

Do you need a compartmentation survey?

A fire risk assessor has noted that your building has many defects which would allow a fire to spread and reduce the time to escape. You’ve been instructed to commission a “compartmentation survey”. What might this involve?
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FIRE SAFETY - 04.06.2024

Check your external fire escape(s)

Emergency evacuation. In case of a fire emergency on your premises, a prompt and secure evacuation is crucial to protect both property and lives. Without properly maintained and cleaned fire exits, including fire escape stairs, the risk to you and your employees escalates significantly. Good condition. External metal fire escape stairways can deteriorate to a dangerous state if left unchecked. They are often out of sight at the rear of the building and used only occasionally during fire drills. As a result they can rust to the point where restoration becomes impossible or very expensive. To ensure that yours don’t suffer the same fate, use our External Metal Fire Escape Checksheet (see The next step ). ...
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