DEPENDANTS’ LEAVE - 03.10.2024
Q&A - making up time lost to dependants’ leave
Q. One of our employees had to take an afternoon off work after his child was injured at school. Can we require him to make up the lost time? A. This absence will fall within the statutory right to unpaid time off for dependants, as it includes an employee providing assistance when a dependant is injured. The legislation also states that employees have the right not to be subjected to a detriment because they took time off. A detriment would include requiring an employee to make up the lost time. ...
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HOMEWORKING - 03.10.2024
Disabled workers and hybrid working
New guidance. In September 2024, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) launched new guidance on supporting disabled workers with hybrid working (see The next step ). Content. The guidance covers the statutory duty to make reasonable adjustments for disabled workers and how to identify when a worker may need adjustments and what adjustments are needed. It also discusses implementing adjustments and reviewing them to ensure that they are working. ...
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Retraction of job offer was direct religious discrimination
An employer has been held to have unlawfully discriminated against a job applicant after it withdrew a job offer following what it discovered in an online search. If you conduct an online search on a candidate, what risks might you face?
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EQUAL PAY - 03.10.2024
Are you paying men and women equal pay for equal work?
It’s come to light that the Prime Minister’s female chief of staff is being paid a higher salary than the PM receives. If you’re not paying men and women the same for doing equal work, could this potentially give rise to an equal pay issue?
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How to deal with persistent short-term sickness absences
When an employee’s short-term sickness absences have started to become persistent and an informal approach to curb the problem hasn’t worked, you should then take formal steps. How should you go about this?
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Should disciplinary appeal be simple review or full rehearing?
You should always give an employee the opportunity to appeal against a disciplinary sanction. If they do appeal, you’ll then need to arrange an appeal hearing. Should this be a simple review of the disciplinary decision or a full rehearing?
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