Tax - News

Recently added Tips & Advice


New service for voluntary NI contributions

HMRC recently launched a new online service to help top up your NI contributions record. Is it something you should consider using?
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No more CIS tax refunds

It pays not to talk. HMRC seems hell bent on ditching access to its services by phone. In the last couple of years contacting HMRC by phone for most tax issues has been increasingly limited. The latest victims of the HMRC cutbacks are companies who want to claim a refund of deductions made under the construction industry scheme (CIS). ...
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BUDGET - 18.03.2024

Good Budget for business?

While most of the headline Budget announcements affect individual taxpayers, lurking in the small print are a few changes for businesses. Will they impact you?
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IR35 - 06.02.2024

New IR35 legislation published

In his 2023 Autumn Statement the Chancellor announced new rules to prevent potential double charges on income subject to IR35/off-payroll taxes. The draft rules are now out for consultation. What’s the full story?
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Construction industry scheme - what’s the latest?

In a move to prevent or at least reduce tax avoidance, changes to the construction industry scheme (CIS) rules takes effect from April 2024. As a contractor or subcontractor in the industry, what do you need to know?
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SELF-ASSESSMENT - 04.01.2024

HMRC cuts helpline ahead of SA deadline

HMRC is now refusing to answer most calls about self-assessment. If you have a question preventing you completing your self-assessment return on time, what steps can you take to avoid a fine?
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Tax - News

Most read Tips & Advice


New service for voluntary NI contributions

HMRC recently launched a new online service to help top up your NI contributions record. Is it something you should consider using?
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